If you want to know what signs and symptoms are associated with blood clots

If you want to get acquainted with the signs and symptoms of blood clots.

Read more.

What is a blood clot?

What are the symptoms of a blood clot?

What are the risks of a blood clot?

What are the possible side effects of blood clots in the body?

Why do blood clots form?

Blood clots can be a sign and a symptom of what disorder and disease.

In the following article, we intend to talk fluentky about the above questions and similar questions about clotting, blood clots and its symptoms.

Here’s everything you need to know about the signs and symptoms of blood clots or intravascular thrombosis.

Why do clots form in our body?

It is a completely natural process for our body to make clots

Why is clotting a natural process?

Clot formation is an important mechanism by which the body can stop bleeding and blood leakage.

Imagine your hand has a simple incision, if the body could not make a clot, the same wound and incision could cause excessive blood loss and death.

So that the body can make clots is a natural necessity that in some cases, damage to the arteries will occur.

Although clotting is necessary to maintain vascular health and maintain our blood volume, unfortunately, sometimes clotting can cause very dangerous complications and conditions.

What are the symptoms of this dangerous condition that occurs following clotting?

What are the signs of a dangerous and dangerous blood clot in the body?


what you will read next :

Signs of a blood clotting disorder

What is a blood clot or intravenous thrombosis?

Simply a blood clot is a volume of blood that has changed from a liquid to a jelly-like, semi-solid form.

One of the main mechanisms of our body to protect the volume inside the arteries is the process of clotting, which prevents blood loss during major injuries, accidents and fractures.

But with all of the above benefits, unfortunately sometimes it happens that a blood clot forms abnormally inside the arteries of our body. (inside the arteries or veins)

In these conditions, although no damage is done to the arteries, the process of clotting inside the arteries leads to blood clots that can cause narrowing and blockage of the arteries or move into larger arteries to reach the narrow arteries and block them and complications start from here.


In addition, doctors say that abnormal clots and abnormal clotting will lead to the production of clots that cannot dissolve inside the arteries on their own.

Due to which group of abnormal clots are formed in which vessels of our body and according to the dimensions and underlying disorders of the affected person, the signs, symptoms and complications will be different.

Read more if you want to know more about the signs and symptoms of a blood clot


Are all the complications of clotting in the arteries and veins of our body dangerous?

Some of the complications and conditions that can occur can be considered a serious threat. Knowing the signs and symptoms of blood clots will definitely be a great help in acting consciously in the face of possible conditions.

If you are well acquainted with the signs, symptoms, and complications of a blood clot, you will be referred to a medical center and hospital for emergency treatment in a timely manner This period of time elapses from the onset of symptoms to the onset of emergency procedures to treat the condition caused by blood clots and intravascular thrombosis, which will play a key role in saving the patient’s life.

So you will see the importance of knowing the signs and symptoms of blood clots or intravascular thrombosis.

Read more and be sure to share with your loved ones to prevent irreversible complications following a blood clot by informing people.

So let’s get acquainted with the signs and symptoms of a blood clot so that we can take conscious action before starting a serious complication.


How is a blood clot formed?

One of the most basic systems in our body is the blood growth system, which contains a large collection and network of veins, capillaries and arteries, circulating blood throughout the body to provide access to oxygen and other necessities to each cell of our body.

If a blood clot forms inside an artery in the body, it is called an arterial clot. This category of clots, the clots inside the artery, become very immediate. This means that if a clot forms inside the arteries of the body, it will show signs and symptoms very immediately. For example, some complications of a clot inside the arteries include:


If clots form inside the veins of the body, doctors call them venous thrombosis.

Clots formed inside the vein do not quickly become marked as arterial clots.

Symptoms of clots inside the veins manifest slowly over time, but do not forget that clots inside the veins can also be dangerous. The most common intravenous clot is considered by doctors to be “deep vein thrombosis” or DVT.


The mechanism of the blood clotting process

Blood clotting, which leads to clot formation, will have three main phases, which will be as follows:

The body initiates a series of reactions in response to damage to the walls of arteries, responding to rupture and damage to arteries, or problems with the walls of arteries due to intravascular problems.

The compounds involved in this process are a large number of coagulation factors, these coagulation factors are activated one after the other, and Eventually, they form a set that activates a protein called prothrombin.


Thrombin activator causes thrombin protein to be activated as prothrombin.

Now in the third phase of coagulation, activated thrombin, called prothrombin (a high-protein protein in the blood made by the liver), breaks down fibrinogen in the blood into thin filaments like a fishing net, trap platelets and red blood cells and a part of the blood fluid called serum plasma. This trapped set of fibrin filaments is collectively called a blood clot. Thin fibrin fibers normally adhere to the damaged part of the vessel wall and prevent the house from continuing.

It is interesting to know that as soon as the formation of a clot begins, the clot itself begins a defective cycle around it, which will lead to the spread of clotting to the surrounding blood.

We do not enter into specialized discussions and details of coagulation pathways, but know that the initiator of this functional tool will be damage to the walls of arteries or adjacent tissues.

Risk factors for clot formation

Who is more prone to clots?

The following factors increase the risk of blood clots:

Familiarity with different types of blood clots


We said that if a blood clot forms inside the arteries, it mainly causes symptoms quickly, because the arteries are responsible for supplying oxygen to the body. With a clot inside the arteries, oxygen supply to the brain or heart or organs is cut off immediately. And the following symptoms occur:


Myocardial infarction:


Sudden very severe abdominal pain, usually caused by the activation of the digestive system after eating. These people refuse to eat and lose weight for fear of re-experiencing abdominal pain.

When a blood clot occurs inside one of the main veins deep in the limbs and body, it is called DVT.

Doctors say most DVTs will occur in one of the deep veins of one leg, but the following areas are also areas where DVT can occur:

According to the statistics obtained from valid studies Ninety thousand adults get DVT each year in the United States alone, and 10,000 die each year from DVT-induced pulmonary embolism in the leg.

Blood clots in the deep veins of the leg are very dangerous. If the deep vein in your leg is clotted, there will be sudden swelling and pain.

The formed clot can travel to the heart in the bloodstream. In this way, it enters the lungs from the right side of the heart and gets trapped in the thinner arteries of the lungs that are in the margins of the lungs. With obstruction of the pulmonary arteries, the clinical signs of pulmonary embolism will occur, which you will read about below.

Pelvic and lower pelvic DVDs are the most common cause of pulmonary embolism.

There is no way to say that by knowing those symptoms, you can find out about the presence of blood clots in your body. Only being aware of the signs and symptoms of blood clots can help you deal with the clinical manifestations of the body more consciously and go to the hospital sooner.

There may be a blood clot but there are no obvious signs or symptoms. In addition, the signs and symptoms of a blood clot in the body may overlap with the symptoms of many other diseases.

In the following, we will tell you the signs and symptoms separately by the place of blood clot formation.


The most common site of blood clot formation is in the lower pelvis and lower legs, usually the clot is unilateral and only in one leg.

Symptoms of clot formation in the lower leg are as follows:

If the size of the clot is very small, there may be no symptoms, or if you have a little inflammation and swelling in your leg and do not take it seriously, there may be no pain at all.

Large clots are usually accompanied by very swollen pain

In most cases, only one of your legs or one arm will clot. In people with a favorable background, there may be a spread of the clotting process.


Blood clots inside the arteries of the brain will be associated with a stroke.

With blood clots inside the arteries of the brain, a person may have one or more of the following signs and symptoms:

So take the sudden nervous and sensory symptoms seriously.


Coronary artery occlusion and myocardial infarction are associated with the following signs and symptoms:

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately.


During arrhythmias such as AF and other arrhythmias that are associated with an increase in heart rate, there is a high probability that the heart cavities will form clot. So if you have a sudden feeling of palpitations, rush to the hospital emergency room or call the emergency room.

If for any reason the blood clot reaches the lungs, it gets stuck in the narrow arteries of the lungs and clots the arteries, and pulmonary embolism is accompanied by the following clinical manifestations, which we emphasize that if you experience any of the following, do not waste time and go to the hospital immediately:

Sudden onset of any of these symptoms.


When should we call a doctor immediately or call the emergency room immediately?

It is wrong to say that a blood clot can be diagnosed only by referring to the signs and symptoms. There are credible studies that say that half of people with deep vein thrombosis have no symptoms at all. In the following cases, call the emergency room immediately or get to the first equipped medical center immediately:

It is the emergency room doctor who will determine if your symptoms are related to a blood clot.


Among the diagnostic assistance modalities are:


Blood clot treatment

Specific treatment, depending on the patient’s condition, may be one or a set of the following:

The type of treatment and the type of medication should be adopted exclusively for each case according to the circumstances.


Complications of blood clots

In a pregnant woman, blood clots can be associated with fetal malnutrition and placental accidents and obstetric complications such as fetal death, and placental insufficiency will actually be accompanied by a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

In pregnant women, intrauterine growth restriction may occur for the fetus following a clot in the placental arteries.


Prevention of blood clots

In addition to treatments and medications, the following can be used with the approval of a physician according to the condition:

However, the place and time of blood clot formation cannot be predicted at all, knowing the symptoms of blood clot and observing the above points will help prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications of blood clot.


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