If you want to find out more about ear popped, if you want to know what is meant by ear popped and whether ear popping is safe or not, and what are the ways to do this, be sure to read our read more.
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Cramps in many of the experiences we have in our daily lives can occur and provide us with uncomfortable and annoying conditions.
Along with earwax, there may be other symptoms and manifestations depending on the underlying cause, such as dizziness and tinnitus, hearing changes, itching, discharge, and earache. In the following, we want to talk more about ear congestion and popped ear when we say that the ear is clogged, the pressure inside the middle ear is less or more than the pressure of the air outside the ear. The imbalance of air pressure on both sides of the Parla’s membrane and the tympanic membrane causes us to feel a state similar to hypertension inside the ear. In order for the pressure inside the middle ear to be balanced and high with the outside air pressure or atmospheric pressure, the Eustachian tube must have a suitable structure, not be blocked, and its function must be normal.
Why do we get ear congestion?
One of the reasons that causes a feeling of tightness inside the ear is when the air pressure balance on both sides of the tympanic membrane is lost and what is necessary to balance the air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane is the normal function of the Eustachian tube. Now let’s see how this balance is established.
To understand how to establish this balance, we must know about the eustachian tube and its normal function. In the following, you will learn more about the Eustachian tube, how its normal function can prevent the feeling of qualitative hypertension and congestion inside the ear.
The Eustachian tube, sometimes called the Eustachian tube, connects our middle ear space to our throat and also keeps the air pressure in the middle ear balanced with atmospheric pressure. When the pressure inside the middle ear is negative relative to the air pressure outside, the eardrum and tympanic membrane will be pulled inward.
When the pressure ratio in the middle ear is positive compared to the pressure in the atmosphere, the membrane will be pulled out. Normally, the Eustachian valve is closed to prevent infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses from entering the nasal cavity and Prevent middle ear. Also, when the Eustachian tube valve is closed, it prevents the stomach acid found in the reflux throat from reaching the middle ear.
What are the symptoms of ear congestion and hypertension?
We said that when the balance of air pressure between the two sides of the tympanic membrane is disturbed, that is, the air pressure inside the middle ear is not balanced compared to atmospheric air pressure, we may feel pressure or cramps in the ear. Now let’s see what complaints this condition can cause in the affected person
Symptoms and manifestations associated with a tingling sensation in the ear include:
- The person may complain of hoarseness in the ear
- The person may express a change in hearing in the form of hearing loss
- The person may have tinnitus or severe, intermittent pain in the ear
- He may be unbalanced or feel fluid in his ear, or if the obstruction in the Eustachian tube is due to an infection, there may be persistent pain in the ear that may be accompanied by fever or a sore throat.
The symptoms mentioned above may last for several hours or there are even some people who say that their symptoms have lasted for several months. Normally I have to say that the symptoms associated with the feeling of fullness and pressure in the ear are not permanent and will be intermittent or can be temporarily relieved by itching and swallowing and chewing. When the Eustachian tube, which we say connects the middle ear to the throat, cannot open properly for any reason, a pressure difference is created between the two sides of the tympanic membrane, which can cause a feeling of fullness in our ear.
What are the causes of ear cap sensation?
In this section, we want to deal with disorders and diseases that can be accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the ear, increased pressure inside the ear and ear cap.
- The first cause of problems is the Eustachian tube
A person with some form of Eustachian tube dysfunction may experience intermittent tingling sensation over time. The Eustachian tube does not open when talking or yawning, and does not function normally, balancing the air pressure between the two sides of the tympanic membrane In this way, it causes symptoms such as stress, ear pain, ear discomfort, dizziness, ringing in the ears and a feeling of fullness and pressure inside the ear.
This phenomenon may occur in children due to the smaller and narrower size of the Eustachian tube in children, and children are more at risk of developing the above symptoms due to the nature and structure of their Eustachian tube. In this way, ventilation and balance of middle ear pressure in children more than adults can be impaired.
How can we get rid of this feeling of hypertension? We must say that sometimes we may be able to solve this problem by doing maneuvers. If the problems persist, the cause of the defect in the function of the eardrum should be investigated by a doctor and for treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs such as antihistamines or even corticosteroids should be used.
Types of ear infections
On the subject of ear infections, we divide ear infections into two general categories.
The first category is external ear infection and the second category is middle ear infection
The first category or external ear infections is also called swimmers’ ears because it occurs when the external ear canal is more common, for example in swimmers or those who have kept their ear canal moist after bathing and have not dried it. If it causes an external ear canal infection, it is sometimes called atomycosis.
External ear infection is actually inflammation of the external ear canal. Symptoms and manifestations in a person with an infection include the following:
- Hearing loss
- Ear pain that can be so severe that it is even impossible to touch the eardrum.
- In many cases, the external ear infection is so painful that the doctor does not allow the patient to examine the patient’s ear.
- Existence of discharge from the ear
- Feeling full of ears
- Tinnitus
Other symptoms are associated with an external ear infection , Fungal growth may occur following trauma and ear infections.
In these cases, the ear, which can not remove its discharge and clean itself, gets involved
To treat this condition, infectious agents must first be removed with specific treatment and then antifungal drugs and antibiotics must be used to keep the canal clean and dry.
Middle ear inflammation can occur in almost both sexes and in all age groups, but middle ear infections are more common in children and infants. Also, these people who get a middle ear infection can have the following symptoms:
- Feeling full on ears and feeling pressure in the ears
- Sensitivity of fluid in the ear
- the pain
- Hearing changes in the form of hearing loss
When the above changes occur suddenly, the main way to get rid of it is to use specialized antibiotic treatment, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.
- Andalunov hydrops
Sometimes pericarditis occurs due to the imbalance of fluids in our inner ear. In medical parlance, this condition is called hydrops, which means the accumulation of excess fluid.
The endolymph is a fluid present in the inner ear that stimulates cells that are auditory receptors and balance. The endolymph has a constant volume and its chemical composition must be specifically preserved to function normally.
Symptoms of Andalusian hydrops with a feeling of fullness and pressure in the ear can be as follows:
- The person feels tinnitus, ringing and other sounds in the ear
- The person complains of hearing loss
- He has an imbalance and dizziness
- Munir disease
Everyone who gets Munir will eventually have some degree of permanent hearing loss.
If there are symptoms similar to Meniere’s disease mentioned above after a head injury or after surgery, we should call this disease peripheral fistula.
Munir is a disease that does not have a specific treatment. In other words, it can not be said that there is a definite real cure for Munir, but if the cause of peripheral fistula disease is there are more justified treatment options. Low salt diet and drinking plenty of water can cause The symptoms in a person with meningitis may be somewhat reduced.
- Compressed ear mass or compressed ear wax
The presence of earwax is very important and necessary for the health of the ear. This natural mass helps to clean the ear canal in a natural way and with natural characteristics and also Infectious enters the deep parts of the ear.
But if for any reason this crime becomes excessive, it blocks and narrows the ear canal. It can be accompanied by symptoms and manifestations such as fullness and heaviness of the ears and dizziness and hearing loss, decreased hearing clarity and tinnitus and ear pain, itching and coughing.
- Colstatoma
Occasionally there is a rupture of the eustachian tube due to rupture and dysfunction of the eardrum, as well as chronic middle ear infection. Cholestatoma is an infection in the middle ear and is actually a cyst that contains dead skin .
Symptoms include:
- Severely foul-smelling discharge from the ear
- Vertigo
- Ear pain
- Decreased hearing clarity
- Weakness of facial muscles on the involved side
- And fairy ears
This condition is usually controlled with antibiotics and then surgically removed by the cyst. When the symptoms are severe, they may spread to the bone between the brain and ear tissue and cause meningitis. The bones between the middle and inner ear also spread, causing a person to experience permanent hearing loss.
- Tympanic Tensor Syndrome
There are three bones inside our middle ear, and there are also muscles called the tympanic tensor and another muscle called the stapes muscle. These two muscles contract to reduce the effects of loud noises and prevent damage to the inner parts of the ear , to reduce the entry of sound into the inner ear.
But People with Tympanic Tensor Syndrome will constantly have pressure inside their middle ear, even at normal sounds, because their muscles contract, and the person will feel tight and cramped. Treatment is done with counseling and steps to make the person insensitive to sound.
- No upper semicircular canal bone formation or SSCD
In this case, a hole is made in the bony canal of the upper semicircular canals in the person’s inner ear, causing the person to experience hearing loss and dizziness occasionally. Semicircular canals play a major role in balance. People with this syndrome are mostly in the third and fourth decades of life and also one of the symptoms that occurs in these people is dizziness. Dizziness in these people when lifting heavy objects, intense physical activity, sexual activity and in Exposure to loud noise will be much greater.
Other manifestations felt by these people include ringing in people’s ears when they speak, as well as sound when walking and chewing. It is recommended that these people avoid activities that intensify their interest, and finally, the available treatment options can be called surgery.
- Nervous sensorineural hearing loss Or SSHL
One of the medical emergencies is the sudden sensory hearing loss of the nerves. This rapid hearing loss sometimes occurs with a sound similar to the bursting of a bubble.
The time it takes to cure this problem is very short, meaning that the time it takes to cure it is very short. In this problem, in addition to hearing loss, patients will experience dizziness, fullness, and pressure inside the ear, and this problem often occurs in one ear.
- Labyrinthine ear infections or labyrinthitis
It is a type of inner ear infection that is mainly caused by a virus. In other words, in this infection, the virus causes inflammation of the nerve that transmits auditory information and balance to the brain.
Symptoms include:
- Vertigo
- nausea and vomiting
- The lack of balance
The important thing is that they have symptoms that start suddenly, especially dizziness that starts suddenly and can last for hours or days.
After dizziness, it is time for hearing loss. Hearing loss may begin at the same time as dizziness and shortly after dizziness, and before that there will usually be a state of pain and discomfort and discomfort in the affected ear. The disease can be caused by catching a cold with the flu virus, and the symptoms will go away within a few weeks after receiving the right medication. Corticosteroids are sometimes used to shorten the recovery time.
When you see a doctor with a full ear complaint, in addition to hearing your exact history, the doctor will do a list of medications, lifestyle habits, medical history and clinical examination and the complete ear canal examination will be checked. Other diagnostic aids may be used in the examination.
Audiometry is definitely required in these conditions.
How does sudden sensorineural hearing loss manifest in the inner ear?
People with this condition say that when they wake up in the morning, they notice a hearing loss in one ear, and some people for the first time when they want to use their deaf ear, for example, when they want to use the phone, they realize it.
People with this disorder may find that in addition to the above descriptions, they also have one or more of the following symptoms:
- The feeling of full ears
- Feeling of pressure in the ear
- Ringing and tinnitus
- And dizziness
Statistics show that between one and six out of every five thousand people in the normal population worldwide are affected by this complication every year, but it is said that the real number of infections has increased recently because previously sshl cases were not detected but today it is better detected.
It can affect people of all ages and genders, but the most common are people in their 40s or 50s.
The most common method used to treat sudden sensorineural hearing loss, especially in the 90% whose underlying cause remains unknown, is the use of corticosteroids. These drugs can be very helpful and reduce inflammation and swelling.
Corticosteroids are usually prescribed by a doctor. A large study conducted about 10 years ago showed that if this corticosteroid was injected through the eardrum, it could be as effective as oral steroids. After this successful study, doctors inject corticosteroids directly into the tympanic membrane and middle ear.
When the injection is given through the intratympanic, that is, the injection through the eardrum into the middle ear, the medicine will also flow into the inner ear. They do not want to suffer from its side effects.
The important point is that if you want the treatment to work best, corticosteroids should be started as soon as possible. Your doctor may use steroids before all test results are available. If treatment is delayed for more than 2 to 4 weeks, the chances of hearing loss are reduced.
If the underlying cause of the sudden sensorineural hearing loss of 10% is identified, further treatment may be needed. For example, if you have a complication following an ear infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. And if you are taking autotoxic drugs, the dose of the medication may change or the medication may change. If you have an autoimmune disorder, medications to suppress the immune system should be prescribed so that the immune system does not invade the inner ear
If the person has severe hearing loss and has not responded to treatment and the problem has occurred in both ears, you may be advised by your doctor to use a hearing aid to amplify the sound or to implant a cochlear implant to directly stimulate the auditory connections in the ear.