If you or your first-degree relatives have a history of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, or open heart surgery, it is recommended that you read the following carefully.

As a cardiac clinic patient, you may have seen the term ASCVD in brochures. Our doctors will go on to explain what the definition of clinical ASCVD means. What are the types of ascvd? What are the ways to prevent it?


what you will read next :


Clinical ASCVD definition

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is abbreviated as ASCVD.

Includes a set of clinical cardiovascular problems caused by hard plaque on the walls of arteries (or atherosclerosis).


What does clinical ASCVD include?

Clinical ASCVD includes the following:

Documented Stable angina

Keep in mind that ASCVDs are a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide.


What is the meaning of ASCVD score?

There is an international guideline by which individuals can take their 10-year risk of developing cardiovascular problems.


What are the risk factors of ASCVD?

Who is most likely to develop clinical ASCVD?

Authentic guidelines can estimate the risk of any asymptomatic adult between the ages of forty and seventy-nine to clinical ASCVDs in the next ten years by recording and reviewing the above values ​​and factors.

If provided by these guidelines:

<5% —————— »low risk

5to<7/5% be ———————————— »borderline risk

More equal to seven percent and less than twenty percent__ »» intermediate risk(???)

And if the guideline score is 20 percent or more, a person is considered to be at risk for developing ASCVD in the next ten years.


What are the symptoms in ASCVD?

We said that the set of clinical events that occur due to the presence of hard plaques on the walls of arteries (atherosclerosis) in the heart and brain and throughout the body is included under the clinical ASCVD suite.

Myocardial infarction, stroke, documented disorders of the coronary arteries of the heart, obstruction of the arteries of the body, etc.

The main features of this collection are:

These symptoms are more common in heart problems

It can be a symptom of a stroke.

Abdominal pain after eating can occur due to obstruction of the intestinal arteries (mesenteric ischemia).

Leg pain when walking that gets better with rest and lameness can be a sign of arterial problems.