Kidney stone which is also called renal calculi is a common cause of bloody urine (hematuria) and severe pain in the abdomen, hips and groin.

If you or your relatives have symptoms or if you have a history of kidney stones. In this article, we will introduce you to different types of Kidney stone diet recipes.


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What are kidney and urinary tract stones?

They are hard, sometimes crystalline tissues that form in the kidneys or urinary tract for a variety of reasons. Thinner stones than the ureters (tubes that carry urine out of the kidneys) pass into the bladder and may cause severe pain through your urine. (With blood). Severe pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever may occur in people with kidney stones.


Kidney stone diet recipes

In this article, we will discuss the proper diet for kidney stones

When there is enough calcium in the food that enters the intestines, it combines with the oxalate in the intestines and no more oxalate is absorbed by the intestines when it enters the bloodstream and reaches the kidneys.

The appropriate amount for dairy consumption in people with calcium oxalate stones is as follows:

Spinach, rhubarb, leeks, wheat germ, raisins, raspberries, tea, strawberries, cherries, plums, tomatoes, beets, parsley, eggplant, carrots, green peppers, coffee and Nescafe, chocolate, cocoa and nuts

(Increasing the consumption of salty foods increases the excretion of calcium from the kidneys and thus the formation of calcium stones)


Diet in people with uric acid kidney stones

If your kidney stones are made of uric acid, the following dietary recommendations are appropriate:

Increasing the consumption of purine-containing products will increase the amount of uric acid in the urin

Purine enters the body through the consumption of animal proteins such as meats and eggs, so if you have this type of kidney stone, you should drink plenty of water and consider the restriction of animal protein consumption.


Diet in people with cystic fibrosis

(People with this type of stone have too much cysteine ​​in their urine, which we call cystinuria)


How much water is needed to prevent kidney stones?

If you have kidney stones, you should always drink enough water so that your urine is clear, so drink about three liters of water. Also, if you have kidney stones, you should drink enough water to wake up once a night to urinate.

It is recommended that people with cysteine kidney stones wake up during the night to drink water. It is better for people to drink four liters of water a day.


The effect of taking calcium pills on kidney stones

Calcium-containing supplements used to prevent osteoporosis will not be a problem, especially if they are in the form of calcium citrate.


Who is most at risk for kidney stones?

The following groups are more likely to develop kidney stones than others:


Which substances acidify the urine?

Foods that make your urine acidic. includes options below:


What substances make urine alkaline?

Substances that cause urine to become alkaline include:

In patients with uric acid stones or people with urinary cysteine kidney stones, it is better to be alkaline.