What is a conjunctival nevus?

What do you know about superficial nevus?

What do you know about conjunctival nevus?

What are the signs and symptoms of conjunctival nevus?

How are conjunctival moles removed?

If you have any questions about conjunctivitis, we recommend that you read on.


what you will read next :



The conjunctiva is a transparent protective layer that surrounds the inner surface of your eyelids as well as the whites of your eyes. Conjunctival cells are actually epithelial cells. They are the back of your eyelids. In fact, this large area is due to the fact that the conjunctiva has several folds.

The layers of the conjunctiva fold over. This feature is necessary for eye movement. These prominent edges or phoenixes are present in the eyeball. The only exception is the inner corner of the eye or the corner of the eye on the side of the nose. This part does not have conjunctival folds.

In the inner corner of the eye, the conjunctiva overlaps several folds and only the crescent crease forms the inner corner of the eye.


What are conjunctional eye moles? What are conjunctival spots?

Are you familiar with the types of blemishes and spots on the skin?

It is interesting to note that spots and moles can also appear on the eyeball.

There are different types of spots that can occur in different parts of the eye. Eye spots are generally harmless, but being harmless does not make us neglect to examine and follow them and under the supervision of a doctor.

People with macular degeneration should be monitored by a doctor because some of them are less likely to develop a malignancy called melanoma.


Spots on the surface of the eye are either conjunctival moles or iris spots.

Many people may notice small dark spots that look like common freckles on the surface of the skin and these spots are present in the iris (colored eye area) of the person. These are called iris spots.


Spots and moles are said to be found in the eyes of about 60% of the world’s population. Spots that form on the colored surface of the eye (iris) are due to the high amount of pigment or melanin produced by the pigment cells (melanocytes) in that area. Iris spots do not affect a person’s vision and do not become malignant. We want to talk more about eye spots or spots that we see on the surface of the eye or conjunctival spots.

What are the types of eye spots? As people experience different types of spots on the surface of their skin, different types of these spots may occur. These people must have eye examinations by an ophthalmologist. In this way, by determining the type of spot and making an accurate diagnosis, it is ensured that appropriate treatment programs will be selected.

Be sure to see your eye doctor if you or those around you have eye spots and conjunctivitis.


Types of moles

The types of eye spots are as follows:


Conjunctivitis is a lesion of the color that the affected person sees in the white part of the eye. These moles actually make up 50% of all conjunctival lesions. The interesting thing is that conjunctival moles usually appear in childhood.


Iris spot:

When the spot in your eye is placed on the colored part of the eye, it is called iris spot. Pay attention to interesting statistics in this regard. It is said that one out of every 10 people suffers from iris spot.

The cause of the spots is still under investigation

Research shows that when a person is exposed to the sun for a long time, hyperactive pigment cells in the iris area occur.


Studies on these spots show that spots on the iris (the colored part of the eye) are not dangerous and are completely different from the prominent masses that are located on the surface of the eye or the melanoma that is located on the surface of the eye.

The spots mentioned above can be seen with the naked eye, but in both cases we mentioned that eye examination by an ophthalmologist is mandatory.


Choroidal nevus:

A pigmented lesion is flat, benign, noncancerous, and located behind the eye.

It is estimated that one in 10 people may have these disease which is actually a community of pigment cells in that area.

Choroidal moles are generally non-cancerous in nature

But they are less likely to become malignant, which is why you should be followed up and examined regularly by an experienced ophthalmologist.

Since the subject of this article is about conjunctival moles, in the continuation of our discussion, it will be only about superficial moles of the eye or conjunctival moles.


What causes eyelids or conjunctivitis?

Melanocytes are cells whose function in the body is to produce pigments. This pigment is called melanin. Melanocytes are distributed in the body and make up the color of our skin and iris. These pigment cells, or melanocytes, are spread throughout our bodies. Some of these cells multiply benignly, forming a clump and forming a superficial spot or mole.



Melanocyte proliferation and accumulation are reported to account for more than 50% of conjunctival malignancies. To summarize, 28% of all melanocyte proliferations in the conjunctiva are benign and form conjunctival moles.

That is, in summary, 28% of all melanocyte accumulations in the conjunctiva are benign conjunctival moles.

In terms of age distribution, conjunctival moles are seen in young people and a little more common in blacks as well as Asians and Caucasians. Melanocyte accumulations in the conjunctiva account for more than 50% of all conjunctival lesions, which means that we can say that Proliferation of melanocytes and masses resulting from the accumulation of melanocytes in the conjunctiva is common.


What are the symptoms of conjunctival nevus?

It is said that conjunctival moles are usually seen in the form of freckles and visible spots on the white part of the affected eye and usually will not be accompanied by other signs and symptoms. They tend to remain constant but they may change color. Or even hormonal changes such as pregnancy or puberty changes.


What causes conjunctival moles and spots?

About 5% of Caucasians are said to have conjunctival spots, and perhaps one of the causes of this conflict is having bright eyes and light skin, which can easily cause burns.

When exposed to sunlight.

There are more extensive studies that prove a link between chronic exposure to sunlight and the occurrence of conjunctival moles.



In this section, we want to talk about what should be done for a person with conjunctival moles? The question arises whether conjunctival moles should be removed by an ophthalmologist?


When should a conjunctival nevus be removed?

There are two things that a mole should be removed:


  1. This is when the mole is examined by an ophthalmologist and malignancy is suspected
  2. If the conjunctival mole has caused cosmetic problems for the patient, we should also think about removing the conjunctival mole.


What are the danger signs of conjunctival moles?

  1. Bleeding
  2. Color changes
  3. Increase in size, Increase in thickness and prominence of the conjunctiva, especially if the increase in size and increase in thickness is sudden or a change in color that has just been created

In these cases, the person should see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.


Is it possible for the accused mole to recur after removal?

It is said that when the mole is removed by your ophthalmologist, small pigment cells or small melanocytes that cannot be seen with the naked eye may remain in place. Over time, the same few cells remain. Recurrence of the mole When your mole is removed, it will not be predictable whether it will recur or not.


Is it possible for conjunctival moles to form suddenly or not?

It should be noted that when a person notices that a mole has suddenly formed on the surface of his eye, this symptom will not be a good sign and may be a sign of a malignant type when the mole suddenly appears on the surface of the eye when the accused woman suddenly appears. It can be a sign of malignant proliferation of pigment cells or melanocytes, which is called ocular melanoma malignancy.


What are the possible ways to remove a conjunctival mole?

In order for the ophthalmologist to relieve you of the mole on the surface of the eye or the conjunctiva, he has to go to surgery. This surgery may be extensive to prevent malignancy and may have a cosmetic aspect, techniques and methods which is put forward for action.