Weird sensation in nose can be very annoying. Typically, if it’s in the form of tickling feeling that may last for a few seconds, and then sneezing happens. Sometimes, this happens that sneezing won’t be able to relieve the problem.

If a person has  a tickle in then nose that isn’t going away or is having any other weird feeling in nose , there are several possible causes for this , including viruses, some allergies, and nasal polyps etc which have been discussed below in full detail.

what you will read next :


What’s causing Weird sensation in nose ?

The weird feeling in the nose can be caused by a virus like the common cold. Although we know colds are most common in the winter and spring, but one can get them any time of year.

In fact, most adult people  get cold two or three times every year, and children have even more than adults. Persons weird feeling in nose in the form of tickle or irritation may be  body’s way of telling a person that he’s about to get a cold.

When the microbes which cause colds first infect the nose and sinuses, the nose tries to flush them out with mucus, so flowing mucus isn’t a disease itself.

Sneezing is other way by which the body expels germs, that may explain the nose weirdness

Allergies happen when the body has an immune response to something in the environment which is not usual to the body . When a person is allergic to something, the body mistakes it for a foreign particle such as, a flu virus. This allergy can lead to cold like symptoms. There are many people who have allergies to both indoor and outdoor things like to a pet dander, pollen, and dust mites. Allergies can be seasonal too in some people  or can last all year long. They can lead to an irritating inflammation in the  nose which may give a person a tickly, itchy feeling in the nose.

There are many things which are present in the air and can be very irritating to the nasal passages that is to the spaces in the nose that fill with air. People who get bothered by irritants have a medical condition called nonallergic rhinitis.

The symptoms are quite similar to seasonal allergies, however the  body doesn’t have an immune reaction to this condition. One may experience runny nose or any other nasal irritation symptoms.

Common irritants that cause this include fragrances, smoke, and washing or cleaning products.

Sinusitis can be acute  either that is lasting for a short time or can be chronic lasting for a long time. If a person feels a weird tickling sensation in the nose for more than a few weeks along side with other symptoms, one could have chronic sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis is a very common medical condition which occurs when the nasal passages become inflamed and swollen. It lasts  for 12 weeks at least and includes some of the symptoms mentioned below:

Nasal polyps typically occur in people who are suffering with chronic sinusitis. They’re small,  very soft, noncancerous growths which hang down from the lining of the nasal passages.

They can also be caused by few other conditions like asthma, allergies, some drug sensitivity, and some immune disorders. Larger growths can be irritating  over time and lead to breathing problems and a lost sense of smell and might require intervention.

Many people don’t know this but headache is not the only symptom of migraines. Migraine attacks can include a vast variety of different symptoms, like :

If a person  continuously uses positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine for the reason of sleep apnea, it has the capability of causing the nose to itch. Weird feeling in nose like itchiness is one of the most frequently and common complaints of new CPAP users. When asked how does it feel in the nose people say feels like spiders or feathers are walking in the nose.

If this weird itchiness is preventing the person from wearing a mask, it’s better to talk to the doctor. One can also try increasing the humidity that can be helpful too.

When the nasal passages dries out it can be very uncomfortable, irritating, and sometimes painful.

Dry nose is typically  caused by blowing the nose too much at once or too often. There are some medications for allergies and colds that can also dry out the nose. Dry nose is quite common during the winter when the heater is turned on. There are few home treatments available  for dry nose.

Nasal and paranasal tumors are the out growths that form in and around the nasal passages.

These tumors can be  cancerous  that is malignant either or can be noncancerous that is benign. This cancer of the nasal passages is very rare and if in case a person has it, he mostly has no symptoms. Possible symptoms in few people include following :  loss of smell, nasal congestion, sores in the nose, and frequent sinus infection.


How to treat weird feeling in nose at home?

There are many ways through which weird feeling in nose can be treated at home:

When to see your doctor for weird feeling in nose?

There are several possible causes available which can cause weird feeling in the nose. Most of them can be resolved with simple home remedies and over the passage of time.

A tickle or irritation in the nose is rarely sign of anything serious or of any complication  however one must consult the concerned doctor if he has symptoms that don’t improve in few days or in case get worse.


Weird feeling in nose can be caused by many things like polyps, tumors, allergies or sometimes can be just a seasonal thing. Weird feeling in nose can be in the form of tickling, pain or irritation.

Treatment depends on the underlying cause so its different for each cause. If in case one feels its something serious or symptoms are getting worse day by day or additional symptoms happen do consult a doctor.