If you want to get information about paronychia or infection of the tissue around the nail, we recommend that you read on. If you are worried about annoying pain around the nail, we want to answer all your answers in this article.
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Inflammation of the soft tissue folds around the fingernails that are caused by bacteria or fungi can cause painful conditions under and around the fingernails. This condition is called paronychia and we want to know more about this problem later.
Paranoia is an infection of the skin around the nail and is actually one of the most common nail diseases, and followed by that the skin around the affected nail becomes painful and red. It is said that frequent and constant contact with water and detergents is the main cause of this complication. Prolonged contact with water, if combined with chemical detergents, can damage the skin folds around the nail and provide a breeding ground for germs and fungi.
People with paronychia feel excruciating pain around the fingertips.
If acute paronychia occurs, it can also cause very excruciating pain in the skin around the nail, and in some cases a small buildup of infection and pus can be seen under the skin of the swollen area near the nail or in the nail bed.
And often only one nail is involved.
The most common hand infection is actually paronychia. It can be acute or chronic. If the condition of the soft tissue infection around a nail lasts for more than six weeks, doctors call it chronic paronychia.
It is said that this problem is more common in women than men, which means that women are three times more likely to suffer from paronychia than men. Also, people who do handicrafts with water and have more contact with water and detergents are more likely to get this complication.
What are the types of paronychia?
- Acute paronychia:
Acute paronychia is actually caused by infection of the damaged area around the nails with the evening to golden fibroids or streptococcus, and less commonly, Pseudomonas or Proteus may cause infection.
Organisms that are actually inside the damaged epidermis around the nail have been created following extensive washing trauma. Also, the loss of the nail cuticle or constant irritation, such as excessive use of water and detergents, can cause the above bacteria to grow in that area.
Finger sucking can also set the stage for a person to get the infection.
Infection in the big toe usually starts when a nail sinks into the flesh. If the present parameters are recurrent, you should suspect herpes simplex.
Symptoms in acute type include, pain, warmth, swelling and redness, and pus.
- Chronic paronychia
In fact, it is an inflammatory disorder that develops in the grooves of the skin around the nails. Usually, people whose hands are chronically wet, for example, regularly wash dishes, or housewives or cleaners, these people often have hand eczema, or people with diabetes or people who have immunosuppression. One of the most common cases is a fungus called Candida, which is a yeast.
Signs and symptoms include the following: Redness and frequent peeling of the area around the nail so that there is fibrosis around the nail. In these cases, there is no pus and pus accumulation in this area, and usually there is a lack of cuticle and separation of the nail bed from the nail fold.
Signs and symptoms
- Redness of the skin around the nails
- tenderness of the skin around the nails
- Accumulation of blisters or bumps or swellings that are full of pus and infection
- Changes in the margins and shape of the nails
- Change in nail color
- Changed nail texture
- Nail removal from the nail bed
The causes are as follows:
- Causes of acute type:
The growth of a bacterial agent that has replaced and grown in the damaged grooves of the epidermis due to superficial lesions of the skin around your nails. For example, following trauma, this condition can also be caused by finger sucking. So, in fact, excessive damage to the cuticle, or in other words, pushing down the cuticle of the nail in a very severe and aggressive way can be one of the injuries that predispose the nail to the acute type.
- Causes of chronic type
What causes chronic types is a type of yeast or fungus called Candida, but bacteria can also cause chronic types because yeasts grow well in humid areas. This type of infection usually occurs in people whose hands and feet are often in water and in these people chronic inflammation plays a major role in creating conditions.
Other causes of this condition are incorrectly trimmed nails. The nails should be trimmed in a straight line. Crescentically trimmed edges around the nails, gripping the corners of the nails, and wrinkling of the skin around the nails, can expose nails to paronychia.
Improper manicures, nail biting, nail implants, use of artificial nails, trauma to the nails are other factors that cause damage to the wrinkles and skin around the nail and provide the conditions for the growth of the above factors.
Often the diagnosis can only be made easily by the doctor just by observing it. Your doctor may need to send a small sample of pus and infection that has accumulated on the side of your nail to the lab. These conditions usually become necessary when the antibiotics provided do not respond well.
What doctors advise patients to do is to generally avoid the affected finger to contact with detergent and water, even plain water, and in cases of acute infection and inflammation, appropriate antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor and daily washing of the affected finger is mandatory.
Twice a day, for fifteen minutes at a time, the affected finger should be immersed in a clean glass that is half full of normal saline.
Sometimes some people recommend adding two tablespoons of hygienic apple cider vinegar, or 3% acetic acid, to the above solution as a home remedy.
Of course, your doctor must approve these additives, if the proper response is not received and there is a purulent abscess, to prevent the destruction of the layer and the reproduction of the nail bed, the abscess drain surgery must be performed by a doctor.
This surgery is performed under local anesthesia and has a condition that prevents future nail deformity due to damage to the nail layer.
In some cases, which are chronic and the cause is fungal infection, in this case, you should use the appropriate antifungal drug in the appropriate period according to the doctor’s discretion.