Our doctors will tell you the treatment options for children’s fear of injections in this article. Before offering solutions, it is important to know that most parents themselves make children afraid of injections

When you, as the child’s parents, are restless in the face of the slightest symptoms of illness or disease, or when you show your anxiety in the face of your child’s illness and boredom with crying and impatience, you should also expect the child to be afraid of injections.

If your child is unwell, instead of crying and being restless, tell him or her, “You will get well soon. I was a child, I got sick too.” Empathy is very effective in reducing children’s fears.

In the following, you will read the strategies of our medical group to treat the fear of ampoules in children


what you will read next :


Child needle phobia treatment

If you notice your child feeling pain, or if you introduce injecting by a doctor or nurse as a means of threatening and punishing that child, you should expect your child to have a needle phobia.

In addition, if your child feels a little pain while injecting, the honesty of the parents who said “it does not hurt” will be lost.

If your child has a needle phobia, do not make fun of him / her, do not compare him / her with other children, and be sure to be with him / her in the injection room and when injecting the ampoule and support him / her.

The fear about medical procedures (such as injections) is called TryPanophobia

This fear is more common in children as needle phobia. Most people will no longer be afraid of injections after adolescence

You should not tell the child that the injection is painless, tell him that it hurts, but only for a few short seconds, but instead the injection will protect them from getting sick. You must explain to them that these injections are necessary for them to stay healthy.

Tell your child that you may need to get vaccinated today, but I’m not sure. ambiguity will always work. Do not talk too much about injections and vaccinations before seeing a doctor, as these increase the child’s fears and anxieties.

Sing your child’s favorite song, make your child’s favorite fun emoticons, joke, or tell a story to distract your child.

Some children have excessive reactions that sometimes occur only in the presence of their parents. If your child is in this category, let the doctor and nurse do the work. Stand in a corner of the room and just keep eye contact with the child or leave the room.

For example, say you will buy him ice cream or fruit juice or a small toy after the vaccine, or say you will take him to the amusement park.

Sit and cuddle your baby, kiss him and make sure he is well, you can make the injection site painless by applying an ice pack.


Important points in the treatment of needle phobia

As a parent of a child with a needle phobia, it is best to do the following:


Severe phobias

There are severe fears of needles that are accompanied by screaming, fighting, and severe resistance to needle injections. These can usually be relieved in a short period of time.

Try playing doctor with your child at home and encouraging him to inject his doll

If your child is afraid of the doctor’s white clothes, the doctor will notice and will calm the child by changing the color of his clothes.


Treatment of needle phobia in adolescents and adults

In older people, dealing with the fear factor can be the best way to treat fear

For example, looking at photos and videos of injections reduces the fear of teenagers and older children


Post-injection caregivers

Most pediatricians do not recommend taking oral painkillers before vaccination, but after the injection, if prescribed by your doctor, you can give the child merino !!! syrup (ibuprofen) or acetaminophen (tylenol).


The final words

In the end, keeping calm by the parents themselves and talking honestly with the child about the transient pain of the vaccine and the need for it to stay healthy will be very helpful in treating the child’s needle phobia.

All of this will speed up the work of the treatment staff and reduce the duration of the child’s painful experience