Diverticula Small sacs (or pockets) are generally harmless to the intestinal wall, especially in the elderly. Inflammation of the diverticulum wall is called diverticulitis.

Severe diverticulitis can sometimes be associated with serious complications such as severe infections following a ruptured sac (diverticulum).


what you will read next :


Who is most likely to develop diverticulitis?

The following people are more exposed to this disease:

People taking the following medications:


Symptoms of diverticulitis

You can hand diverticulitis without any symptoms or your symptoms are mild.

But the symptoms are:

Clinical symptoms can be very severe when inflammation or infection of the diverticulum or diverticulitis occurs for any reason. Including:

Recurrent and chronic inflammation of the diverticulum can be associated with intestinal obstruction, in which case there are the following symptoms:


What is the right diet for people with diverticulitis?

Symptoms of Diverticulitis Inflammation are mentioned above, the risk of developing diverticulitis increases with age. If you have similar symptoms, or have a history of intestinal obstruction due to diverticulitis, in the following our doctors will tell you which diet is right for you:

Remember that proper diet is part of the treatment for diverticulitis

Following these instructions is an important part of treating diverticulitis:

It is important to follow a liquid diet as long as you have symptoms.

Gradually, as the symptoms go away, you can gradually add low-fiber foods to your daily diet in small amounts:

The use of fiber can help with bowel movements and defecation. Regular bowel movements will help reduce pressure in the intestines and reduce the risk of diverticulitis.

Women under the age of 51 need twenty-five grams of dietary fiber daily

Men younger than 55 years need thirty-eight grams of fiber daily

Women 51 years old and older should consume 21 grams of fiber per day and men 51 years old and older should consume 30 grams per day.

Studies show that consuming fiber reduces the incidence of seizures and symptoms of diverticulitis

Include the following high-fiber foods in your diet:


What foods should we avoid in diverticulitis?

The following is necessary to prevent diverticulitis at or before the onset of the attack. Limit your intake of the following foods:

It is important to avoid these foods in people who have multiple diverticulitis or a history of diverticulitis.

These foods can increase the risk of developing a diverticulitis attack

If you are in the upper category, you should avoid the following foods:

These substances are special carbohydrates that increase the pressure inside the intestines

Materials with high FODMAP content are:

Fermented foods such as:

Diets high in meat and sausages increase the risk of developing diverticulitis

Foods high in fat and butter also increase the risk of diverticulitis attacks.

Sweet breads, industrial cakes and sweet desserts will increase the onset of pain and inflammation.

Therefore, limit the consumption of the following foods:

Avoid drinking alcohol in people with a history of diverticulitis, it is better to observe