If you have scleroderma, in this article we will introduce you to substances that you should never consume. Scleroderma (systemic scleroderma) is a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the patient experiences hard, thickening, and tightening of the skin; in scleroderma, a person’s immune system mistakenly destroys tissues in the body, and when rebuilding damaged tissues, it does a lot of collagen production, which in turn leads to tightening of the skin.


what you will read next :


Clinical signs of scleroderma

These symptoms include the following:

Severe contraction of small arteries in the fingers and toes, causing paleness, bruising, and redness of the fingertips in the face of stress and cold.

It contains small vessels under the skin that can be seen from the surface of the skin.


Types of scleroderma

  1. Systemic scleroderma:

The skin is involved from the elbows and knees down as well as the head and neck

In addition to the skin, other parts of the body can also be involved: lungs, all joints and especially the gastrointestinal tract

  1. Limited scleroderma(No organ involvement):

There are firm plaques on the skin

There is linear firmness of the skin (sword wound) and sometimes only the skin of one half of the face tightens


Treatment of scleroderma

There is no complete cure for this disorder, but medications such as methotrexate, azathiopurine, and caffe cyclofosfamide can improve a person’s quality of life. Oxygen therapy for wounds is also used. People with scleroderma are better to avoid certain substances, which we will discuss in more detail


What substances should I avoid if I have scleroderma?

Clinical manifestations of scleroderma are the result of genetic interaction, the activity of your immune system, and environmental factors.

The exact cause of the symptoms in scleroderma is still unknown

Consumption of any oral agent that aggravates your symptoms should be discontinued. If you have scleroderma, it is best to avoid the following:

Perhaps the reason for avoiding the above is the richness of these foods in vitamin C. Vitamin C is required to make collagen.


What are the important points in the consumption of foods in patients with scleroderma?