If you have lower chest pain, if you have slip rib syndrome and are concerned about this and want to know more about it, we recommend that you read on.


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Slip rib syndrome is considered by doctors to be a combination of several outward manifestations, A person with the syndrome may feel sharp pain with excessive movement in the front of the lower ribs. Usually, the ribs involved in this disorder are the tenth ribs, but doctors say the ninth and eighth ribs may also be affected.



The signs and symptoms of slip rib syndrome, according to doctors, vary greatly from person to person, but in general some of the most common symptoms that people usually experience can be described as follows:

If you have lower chest pain, if you have slip rib syndrome and are concerned about this and want to know more about it, we recommend that you read on.

Symptoms of the person worsen when bending forward, lifting heavy objects, pushing, sneezing, coughing and deep breathing. Also, when the person sleeps in bed and moves in bed, the pain intensifies. This pain is usually felt in the lower ribs and upper abdomen, most people will develop unilateral syndrome, but some conditions can cause a person to have bilateral slip rib syndrome. If you suddenly have trouble breathing or have severe chest pain, you should see a doctor.


What Causes Slip Rib Syndrome?

Doctors say the main cause of slip rib syndrome is still unknown. Trauma does not result in injury or surgery. The first to have this syndrome. This syndrome can often occur following an injury, accident, fall, or even surgery. However, there have been reports of people with this syndrome who have no history of trauma, injury, or surgery, but who have the syndrome.

A group of doctors say that the reason why some people get this syndrome and others do not get it is a kind of herbal hyperactivity of the cartilage of the ribs or the ligaments around the ribs. The reason why the eighth gears only catch the bottom That is, these ribs do not attach to the associated sternum, but with a small amount of connective tissue, they are sometimes called false ribs, which is why this part of the chest and ribs are hit. Traumas Injuries are very sensitive and vulnerable.???????



The question is, how can one tell if a person has slip rib syndrome?

Doctors say that it is a bit difficult to diagnose this syndrome because the symptoms and manifestations of this syndrome are somewhat similar to other disorders and the manifestations of other disorders, and when a person sees a doctor, when a person sees a doctor, a doctor will first try to get a medical history from him and ask him about the symptoms and the accompanying symptoms, then he will ask the patient what conditions make the pain worse. It is also necessary for the doctor to know the activities, occupation and sports that the sufferer does frequently.

After this, there is a special test called the hooking maneuver that helps the medical team diagnose slip rib syndrome. To do this, the doctor hooks his fingers around the edges of the ribs and moves them up and back.

If the test is positive, the examining physician no longer needs to use other procedures, such as X-ray or CT scan or MRI modalities. and sometimes these imaging tests are needed to rule out differential diagnoses.

Among the differential diagnoses that must be rejected by a doctor in order to reach slippery gear syndrome, the following can be mentioned:

Sometimes it is necessary to have an examination by a specialist to determine the exact cause.


What are the complications of slip rib syndrome?

Some people with slip rib syndrome experience so much pain that it makes them unable to move on a daily basis. For these people, slipping into bed, changing positions, and wearing underwear in women can be very painful, slippery rib syndrome is not life-threatening, and it does not damage the internal organs of the chest or upper abdomen.


What is the treatment and placement of slipped rib?

You may think that slipped ribs need to be repositioned. We will talk more about the treatment of this syndrome in the following.

Doctors say that most people with slip rib syndrome have symptoms that resolve spontaneously without treatment, Among the measures that can help relieve the symptoms of a person with slippery rib syndrome are the following:

Home remedies are:

resting and refraining from all activities that cause or exacerbate pain. Use a warm compress. Rest and avoid all activities that trigger or exacerbate the pain

Using a warm compress Using a cold compress in a painful area where people can choose a warm compress or cold compress according to the response they receive from this compress.

Use of analgesics such as acetaminophen as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-steroidal analgesics such as ibuprofen and also naproxen, all of which are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

And as the acute phase of pain subsides, stretching body movements should be initiated and performed according to the individual’s condition.

If the pain persists with the above procedures, the person must see a doctor, and when referring to the doctor, depending on the condition, one of the following methods may be selected for treatment.

  1. The first method of injecting corticosteroids in the area to reduce inflammation and swelling
  2. The second method is to use a intercostal nerve block, During which the doctor injects an anesthetic into the nerve between the ribs, causing the pain to subside.
  3. The third method is recommending specialized physiotherapy: Sometimes some people continue to suffer despite specialized medical procedures, in which case it is recommended that surgery be considered for them if possible. The procedure is called costal cartilage excision, which in some cases can be a useful treatment for people with severe slip rib syndrome.


the final word

Symptoms experienced by people with slip rib syndrome can be similar to other problems and disorders. We must say that slippery gear syndrome in the long run will not cause damage or adverse effects on the internal organs of your chest and upper abdomen.

Often the symptoms go away on their own without the need for special care and treatment. In more severe cases, only the intercostal nerve block can permanently and permanently relieve the pain and symptoms for you.

In rare cases where severe pain persists with these non-invasive treatments, surgery may be needed.

Studies on patients who have undergone surgery show that positive results have been obtained after surgery, but further studies are needed to conclude that surgery will be a definitive treatment and a definitive pain reliever.

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