If you have suffered a wrist injury following a wrist sprain and this condition is of concern to you.
If you are looking for a suitable treatment to improve your condition after a sprain injury to your wrist after a sprain.
If you want to know more about wrist injuries following wrist sprains, we recommend read More. In the following, we will talk more about wrist sprains, the symptoms of wrist sprains, the diagnosis of wrist sprains, and to some extent the treatments available for wrist sprains.
what you will read next :
- What is a wrist sprain?
- What are the symptoms of wrist sprains?
- Why does the wrist twist?
- Anatomy of the wrist
- What are normal wrist movements?
- Types of wrist ligaments
- What are the types of wrist sprains?
- How is a wrist sprain diagnosed?
- How is a wrist sprain treated?
- Prevention and prevention of wrist sprains
- Who is most at risk for wrist sprains?
What is a wrist sprain?
An injury to the wrist that occurs as a result of a torn or torn wrist ligament is known as a wrist sprain.
Ligaments are strong bands of connective tissue by which bones are joined together. In the wrist, due to the attachment of multiple bones, there are several ligaments that become stretched or torn due to wrist movements that put pressure on the wrist. It is called wrist sprain. Older people and children are more prone to falls and twisted wrists. It is natural for the wrist to withstand a lot of pressure and bend when you suddenly fall on the wrist. These sudden changes cause tears, strains, and damage to the ligaments in the wrist.
What are the symptoms of wrist sprains?
The main symptom of wrist sprains is excessive pain. The pain usually gets worse when the wrist moves, except for the pain that is characteristic of wrist sprains. Severe wrist sprains can have the following symptoms:
- Inflation
- Bruising and hemorrhage
- the heat
- Inflammation
- Feeling weak in shaking the wrist
Why does the wrist twist?
If you have a wrist injury, you probably want to know what can cause a wrist sprain. The following causes a lot of pressure on the wrist and the wrist becomes twisted. When the weight of the body is suddenly placed on the wrist, for example, following a fall in children and the elderly, wrist injury occurs. In addition to the above group, it is also common in athletes who do sports in which the risk of falling is higher, such as sports in which people can suffer wrist injuries are:
- Cyclists on unfavorable levels such as mountain biking
- skate
- Gymnastics
- basketball
In other sports such as tennis and boxing, wrist sprains occur due to overuse of the wrist, but wrist sprains and injuries are not just for athletes and can occur in any person and at any age. But in general, in most cases, wrist sprains occur following unexpected events such as falls on the wrist, severe traumas and sudden trauma to the wrist.
Anatomy of the wrist
The human wrist is made up of several joint surfaces together. These joints are as follows:
- Distal radioulnar joint
- Radiocarpal joint
- Ulnocarpal Joint
- Intercarpal joints
In medicine, the wrists are called the carpus.
The wrist is made up of eight pieces of bone that are called carpal bones. The wrist bones are arranged in two rows. The wrist ligaments are actually strong tissue bands that hold the bones mentioned above together. There are several ligaments in the human wrist.
What are normal wrist movements?
The human wrist is a joint that has several movements. The most important movements of the wrist are:
- Wrist opening or extension:
Reverse motion describes bending motion and is also called extension. This condition occurs when you want to get up and place your palm on a surface to help you get up. In this case, the wrist is actually doing the extension movement. The range of motion in wrist flexion and action will be about one hundred and seventy degrees
- Radial Deviation:
Another movement is the outward deviation of the wrist; which doctors call radiofrequency or deviation to the radial bone or lower extremity. Normally, a human wrist has the ability to deviate outward by fifteen degrees.
- Ulnar Deviation:
Another move is Ulnar Division. In fact, the movement of the wrist towards the ulna or the lower extremity or the inward deviation that a normal human being is able to do up to forty degrees
- Rotate outward:
The next movement of the human wrist is to rotate outwards. In fact, when you raise your hand and hold the palm of your hand towards the sky, we have done supination.
- Rotate inward:
The next move is the opposite of supination or rotation inward or pronation. This happens when you place your palm on the ground and want to lean on it.
Types of wrist ligaments
In the following, it is better to get acquainted with the ligaments that actually connect the wrist bones to each other.
The most important of these ligaments are as follows:
Internal ligaments that sometimes attach to the ulnar at the top and to the other two wrist bones at the bottom.
External ligaments that connect from the top to the bottom edge and the joint of the radius bone and from the bottom to the scaphoid.
The posterior carpal ligaments are located in the back of the hand and are responsible for attaching the radius bone to the bones of the back of the wrist.
The ligaments in the front of the wrist are responsible for attaching the ulnar to the carpal bone.
What are the types of wrist sprains?
Ligament strain and tear and wrist sprains are divided into three general degrees depending on the extent of the damage.
- If the ligaments of the wrist are gently stretched and in other words there is a slight stretch, we say that the wrist torsion is of the first and mild type. Symptoms of mild to severe wrist sprains include:
- pain
- Slight swelling
- Stiffness
- Spasm in the wrist that may not be very mild.
Primary wrist sprains that are said to improve spontaneously, are transient, and are usually sufficient for initial treatment.
- second degree twisting of the wrist
If the ligaments of the wrist become severely stretched, a ligament rupture may occur, which is called a second-degree sprain.
The symptoms of second-degree wrist sprains are as follows:
- Stiffness
- Significant pain and swelling, bruising and bleeding of the wrist
Injuries to the wrist ligaments can cause second- or moderate-degree wrist sprains.
It is necessary to see a doctor to treat this type of sprain.
- There are third-degree and severe wrist sprains. Existing symptoms and clinical manifestations of severe wrist sprains include the following:
- Very severe pain and swelling
- Bruising and hemorrhage
- stiff wrist
- Restriction of wrist range of motion
- Forearm muscle cramps.
It is important to see a doctor and get help from a physiotherapist to treat this complication
How is a wrist sprain diagnosed?
When a person has a twisted wrist, he has signs and symptoms that will cause pain, discomfort and dysfunction of his hand. This dysfunction, pain, and discomfort cause the sufferer to see a doctor to assess the complication and cause of the wrist pain.
This is where the doctor performs numerous examinations and tests and, if necessary, tests to determine the extent of the involvement, the cause of the sprain, and the type of sprain.
In order to be able to treat it more correctly, the following diagnostic measures can be mentioned:
- See the movements:
Your doctor will assess the condition of your injured hand and compare it to a healthy hand. This comparison is useful for assessing swelling, inflammation, redness, warmth and tenderness.
The amount of range of motion in an injured wrist is also compared to a healthy wrist. The doctor can also measure stiffness and spasm of the hand muscles in the wrist area by shaking the wrist in different directions.
Your doctor may go to paraclinical diagnostic aids. One of these tests that is usually done is a simple x-ray. After this x-ray, the doctor can assess the damage to the wrist bone tissue.
- CT scan and MRI:
If the x-rays do not provide complete information to the doctor or there are any suspicious points, your doctor may recommend a CT scan for a better diagnosis. It is also recommended to evaluate the possible soft tissue damage around the wrist. Among the paraclinical radiology procedures mentioned, MRI is said to be more accurate and can better detect soft tissue and damaged wrist ligaments and even the extent and severity of the injury than X-rays and CT-scan.
It is said that there is a type of test called a Fovea test by which a doctor measures the amount of damage and torsion of an infected person’s wrist.
The above test is performed by applying pressure to a specific part of the bone surface of the affected hand and comparing it to a healthy wrist. If there is pain or this area is sensitive to touch, your doctor will notice a ligament rupture and a twisted wrist.
How is a wrist sprain treated?
Depending on the extent of the injury and the type of injury to the wrist, as well as the type of wrist sprain, different treatments may be selected.
- Primary treatments for varicose veins and wrist sprains:
Primary and initial treatments include several methods and supportive care tips. In some cases, these treatments alone are not enough and cannot improve your wrist sprains. However, these can improve wrist sprains and wrist varicose veins, which are very mild and without swelling. In cases of moderate or severe wrist sprains with initial treatments, more practical and effective treatments should be performed, such as surgery or physiotherapy, etc. Care and support in the initial treatment of wrist sprains are as follows:
- Rest:
Wrist rest means that the sufferer avoids doing repetitive heavy work and applying too much pressure to the injured hand.
- Cold compress:
You can reduce the possible pain and swelling by placing a cold compress on the affected area of the wrist for ten to fifteen minutes.
- Use of medical wristbands:
You can use a standard medical wristband temporarily to hold and rest your injured wrist.
- Elevation Wrist injured:
This means placing your wrist above the ground, for example on a small pillow. This will help reduce swelling and relieve pain.
- Medicine:
Use of analgesics, anti-inflammatory, anti-stiffness and anti-spasmodic OTC drugs
- The second treatment for wrist sprains:
- Use splints:
Sometimes a doctor may use a splint or cast to hold the sprained wrist in place.
- Physiotherapy:
One of the most effective treatments that can be used to improve the condition of an injured and varicose wrist is the use of physiotherapy.
It is said that strengthening the muscles, increasing flexibility and increasing the range of motion of the injured wrist can be predicted by following standard and correct physiotherapy. The physiotherapist and physician will prepare and present a suitable exercise program for each person according to the severity of the injury and twisting of the wrist, as well as the evaluation of other injuries to the wrist. These techniques are as follows:
- A) finger stretch:
Wrap a plastic elastic band around your fingers and pull your fingers out. Now loosen and open your fingers as much as possible. This movement can be done in three sets of twenty-eight.
- B) Rotate the hammer:
Lift a relatively heavy object such as a hammer and place it in your hand. Place your hand on your thigh. And pull straight so that the palm is facing in. Gently lower your wrist and rotate it so that the palm is facing the ground. Turn the hammer again so that your palm is facing upwards, for example towards the sky or placed towards the ceiling, you can repeat this movement several times.
- C) Automatic rotation:
You can pick up a pen or pencil and rotate it with your thumb and other fingers, and the important thing is that the shoulder should be steady when rotating. You can do this movement faster and stop rotating after fifteen seconds.
D)Exercise four:
To do this exercise, you can stand and connect the palms of your hands. Now separate your elbows and bring your wrists down so that you feel a stretch in your hand. This exercise is called the prayer position. Hold for five seconds and now slowly return to normal.
Pressing the ball:
Choose a soft ball. Put it in your hand. Fist your hand with all your fingers together. Now press the ball and gently open your fingers and release your hand. You can do this exercise fifteen times at a time.
Exercise six:
Bending the wrist
Hold a bottle of water in the injured fist. Now use your healthy hand to hold the injured hand and allow your wrist to be pulled down. Now bend the wrist upwards. This activity can be repeated in two sets of tens.
Last move:
Sit on a chair and keep your back straight. Now extend your arms forward while the palms are facing down. Now with the help of a healthy hand, bend your injured wrist so that the fingers of the injured side are facing the ground. Stay in this position for about ten seconds. Now slowly release your hand and turn your wrist upwards. You should repeat this exercise until you feel tension and do not get pain. Next case Other measures used in physiotherapy clinics to reduce the pain of wrist sprains It is said that there are new techniques and methods in the knowledge of physiotherapy that do not cause any special side effects and are completely zero. These methods can stimulate and repair damaged tissues such as tendon ligaments, etc., reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation, and increase the range of motion of injured wrists and fingers. Dryness and spasm can also be improved by methods. In general, with these methods, you can accelerate the healing of wrist pain and discomfort following wrist sprains. These techniques and methods are:
Ultrasound therapy is actually ultrasound waves penetrated by a device into the affected area of the area and exerted. Two printed lasers are called laser therapy. Laser therapy can prevent the lesion from progressing and reduce pain
- Magnet therapy:
The waves entering the wrist torsion area in this method are magnetic waves.
Also, electrical nerve stimulation and electrotherapy are other types of physiotherapy treatments that can be performed by various devices to reduce the pain in your wrist.
Prevention of wrist sprains
How can we prevent wrist sprains?
It is said that there is no specific way to prevent this injury, but some tips and precautions can be taken to reduce the possibility of wrist sprains. These precautions and tips are:
- Weight control
- Stop exercising when tired and drowsy
- Warm up before starting competitions and strenuous physical activity
- Consume vitamins and minerals to keep bones and muscles healthy
Who is most at risk for wrist sprains?
1) Athletes in basketball, baseball, gymnastics, diving, skating and volleyball, as well as tennis and boxing
2) People who have suffered injuries to their wrists, such as osteoporosis, or have diseases in which there is muscle weakness.
3) People whose job and profession is such that they use their wrists frequently.
In all three groups, people are at risk for sprains and wrist injuries.