Knee popped

Several people suffer from a knee popped, it a squeak or a crackle a phenomenon called as crepitus. In reality most of the times this is no big deal at all however a loud popping noise might give a person a pause and rightfully so. Such kind of knee pops can be accompanied by severe pain […]


How often do you experience knee twitching? How is the experience of knee twitching? How long does it last? How does knee twitching start? Knee twitching or twitching is defined as involuntary contractions or also known as fasciculations. Knee twitching is caused by twitching in thigh muscles mostly and not the knee itself. Twitching is […]

swallow ears pop

Whether a person  is taking off in an airplane or going through a deep tunnel on a train or metro , most people  experience swallow ear pop at one time or another. During swallowing especially ear popping can be heard, despite not being a major cause for any serious concern, ear popping is still usually […]


Kratom leaves are used as medicine in some cases, and as a recreational drug otherwise. But, do you know how hard is kratom on the liver? Kratom is scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, and is included in coffee family. Kratom is also known as thang, kakuam, thom, ketum, and biak. Since recent times Kratom came […]

Weird sensation in nose

Weird sensation in nose can be very annoying. Typically, if it’s in the form of tickling feeling that may last for a few seconds, and then sneezing happens. Sometimes, this happens that sneezing won’t be able to relieve the problem. If a person has  a tickle in then nose that isn’t going away or is […]

Finger Twitching

Finger TwitFinger twitching and muscle spasms may be more common today than the past, also texting and gaming are some of the most popular activities in society today. Physical activity, fatigue, and excessive caffeine consumption can cause or worsen muscle cramps. A twitch is a small, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. […]

Overactive Bladder Nerve Damage

Have you experienced overactive bladder nerve damage? What are the symptoms of overactive bladder nerve damage? How did this start? What was the event that happened before having overactive bladder? Overactive bladder nerve damage is a condition which happens when the nerves carrying the information from bladder and its associated sphincter muscles and other innervations […]


How do you feel and what are you experiences after having a spicy delicious meal? How often does your stomach ache from spicy food? What are the other experiences you have after your stomach aches from spicy food? Stomach ache from food can medically be grouped into a number of diseases ranging from mild irritation, […]


Have you noticed any changed in your vision lately? Do you see spots, or floaters? Do you have double vision? All these symptoms may be caused by something as simple as old age, or exhaustion, but if you feel like these symptoms are not going away, and are worsening, and overall quality of your vision […]


Do you experience thigh twitching while you’re sitting and for no reason? How often does this thigh twitching occur? Twitching is medically termed as Fasciculations or myoclonus and is defined as abnormal jerks or twitching due to abnormal firing of nerves. Twitching itself is not a disease but a clinical sign of some disease. Twitching […]