
General English name: Carbimazole Brand: Neo-Mercazole Application: Hyperthyroidism   what you will read next : Pharmacological information of Carbimazole Contraindications to the use of Carbimazole Drug Interaction of Carbimazole Tips that should be considered before using Carbimazole Possible side effects of Carbimazole How to store Carbimazole   Pharmacological information of Carbimazole Medication Information: Antithyroid drugs […]

Clotrimazole for vaginal thrush

Common English name: Clotrimazole for vaginal thrush Brand: Canesten Application: Vaginal thrush   what you will read next : Clotrimazole for vaginal thrush Contraindications Clotrimazole for vaginal thrush Clotrimazole drug interaction for vaginal thrush Tips to consider before taking clotrimazole Possible side effects of clotrimazole for vaginal thrush How to store clotrimazole for vaginal thrush […]


General English name: Carbocisteine Brand: Mucodyne Application: To help clean sputum in respiratory diseases associated with cough   what you will read next : Carbocysteine drug information Contraindications to the use of Carbocysteine Drug interaction of Carbocysteine Tips to consider before taking Carbocysteine Possible side effects of Carbocysteine How to store Carbocysteine   Carbocysteine drug […]


General English name: Rivastigmine Brand: Exelon, Kerstipon, Nimvastid Application: Dementia associated with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease   what you will read next : Rivastigmine drug information Contraindications to the use of Rivastigmine Drug interaction of Rivastigmine Tips to consider before taking Rivastigmine Possible side effects of Rivastigmine How to store Rivastigmine   Rivastigmine drug information […]


General English name: Ropinirole Brand: Adartrel®, Raponer®, Eppinix®, Requip®, Ralnea® XL, Aimpart XL, Repinex® XL, Requip® XL, Spiroco® XL Application: Parkinson’s disease – restless legs syndrome   what you will read next : Ropinirole drug information Contraindications to the use of Ropinirole Drug interaction of Ropinirole Tips to consider before taking Ropinirole Possible side effects […]


General English name: Griseofulvin Brand: Fulsovin Application: fungal infection   what you will read next : griseofulvin drug information Contraindications to the use of your griseofulvin Drug interaction of griseofulvin Tips to consider before taking griseofulvin Possible side effects of griseofulvin How to store griseofulvin   griseofulvin drug information Medication Information: Griseofulvin is used to […]


General English name: Clomipramine Application: Treatment of depression, obsession and fear – animal sleep in connection with sleep attack   what you will read next : Clomipramine drug information Contraindications to the use of your Clomipramine Drug interaction of Clomipramine Tips to consider before taking Clomipramine Possible side effects of Clomipramine How to store Clomipramine […]


General English name: Candesartan Brand: Amias Application: Blood pressure – heart failure   what you will read next : Candesartan drug information Contraindications to the use of your candesartan Drug interaction of candesartan Tips to consider before taking candesartan Possible side effects of candesartan   Candesartan drug information Medication Information: Candesartan is an angiotensin receptor […]


General English name: Cefuroxime Brand: Britacef, Zinacef, Zinnat Application: Treatment or prevention of infection   what you will read next : cefuroxime drug information Contraindications to cefuroxime Drug interaction of cefuroxime Tips to consider before taking cefuroxime Possible side effects of cefuroxime How to store cefuroxime   cefuroximedrug information Medication Information: Cefuroxime is an antibiotic […]


General English name: Cefpodoxime Brand: Orelox Application: Infections   what you will read next : Cefpodoxime drug information Contraindications to Cefpodoxime Drug interaction of Cefpodoxime Tips to consider before taking Cefpodoxime Possible side effects of Cefpodoxime How to store Cefpodoxime   Cefpodoxime drug information Drug Information: Cefpodoxime is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, meaning that it is […]