If you are one of those people who chronically feel that something is stuck in your throat.
If you think something is chronically stuck in your throat
If you need to clear your throat frequently
If you are looking for something to lift, you think that something is still stuck in your throat and this feeling hurts you.
In this article, we want to introduce you to the main reason for the above experiences.
what you will read next :
There are many reasons why some people feel that a body is stuck in their throat
Doctors call the feeling of something stuck in the throat called Globus pharyngitis. It is generally the restless mental state of the person that will cause the feeling of a lump or bullet getting stuck in the throat.
Sometimes a bite may get stuck in your throat and not move with repeated swallowing of saliva. This condition is called globus sensation. If a person cannot swallow, it means that he cannot swallow a solid bite or in more advanced cases, he cannot swallow fluids and even saliva. this problem will no longer be referred to as Globus Sensation.
This is called swallowing or dysphagia by doctors, which can be a sign of a lump or tumor in the throat or upper esophagus. So, Dysphagia, is a warning sign of a tumor or esophageal cancer, such as high-risk esophageal cancer, while globus sensation is not at all a sign of a high-risk underlying disorder.
The fact that a person constantly feels that a lump is stuck in his throat will be very annoying. It does not work
What causes globus to feel?
Why do people feel that something is stuck in their throat after vomiting or without any incident?
Globus or the sensation of a sticky body in the throat is caused by gastric reflux into the esophagus, or GERD.
Globus is thought to be the result of gastric juice returning to the esophagus and reaching the throat and larynx.
In terms of age, everyone in all age groups can experience the globus. Both children and adults can have this experience, but it is more common in adults than in children.
In adults, the prevalence of globus increases in middle age.
In terms of gender, women experience more globus than men.
Do people who have a sore throat try to swallow something?
- People who have globus have no problem swallowing and the swallowing process is completely normal in them. It is interesting that these people no longer have this globus sensation when eating.
Most people with gastroesophageal reflux disease will have a greater sense of globus when they experience increased stress and mental stress. The mechanism of Globus pharyngeus following stress is considered to be an increase in tone or contraction of the upper esophageal muscles.
If you are looking for a feeling of stickiness in your throat following vomiting, do not worry. This feeling of a lump is different from swallowing disorders.
Difficulty swallowing is a kind of blockage and obstruction in the passage of food from the mouth to the esophagus.
So in short, if you feel a lump in your throat or you think something is constantly stuck in your throat, you are probably one of the following divisions:
- you have Globus pharyngitis
- You either have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.
Globus pharynx
People who are more sensitive to stress and people who experience chronic anxiety experience Globus pharyngeus more than others.
Stress stimulates the stomach nerves and increases the secretion of gastric juice. Following these events, gastritis and indigestion occur more than others.
These people suffer more from the return of gastric juice and acid to the esophagus. Contact of gastric juice, which contains digestive enzymes and stomach acid with the throat and larynx, irritates, inflames and swells them. This inflammation and swelling is sometimes felt as a sticky body in the throat of people with GERD.
Sometimes gastroesophageal reflux disease is accompanied by nausea and increased food intake, so the experience of globus following nausea and vomiting can suggest the presence of gerd.
The most common clinical sign for gastroesophageal reflux disease is heartburn.
But sometimes without heartburn symptoms such as:
- Existence of a lump in the throat
- Bad breath
- bad smell of mouth
- The feeling of having a body stuck in the throat
- Nausea
- Vomit
- Flatulent
- Belching
- Damage to the teeth
- Change voice
- Chronic cough
- Constant need to clear the throat
- Nasal congestion
The impact of mental health problems
Psychological problems in sensitive and susceptible people can be associated with the following consequences:
- Increased gastric secretions
- Reflux of juice and gastric contents into the esophagus
- Increased sensitivity of sensory nerves located in the throat.
- Increased contraction of the muscles above the esophagus or in other words nerve contraction of the muscles located above the esophagus and throat and creating a feeling of a mass or lump in the throat
In order to make a diagnosis of Globus pharyngitis caused by stress, we must first rule out other digestive problems that may be present in the throat and esophagus. In other words, there is no specific test for definitive diagnosis of Globus pharyngitis. Eliminating other causes would be equal to have a Globus pharyngeus.
So to get acquainted with the diagnosis process, read on
Examination of the throat and larynx with specialized tools
Examination of the pharyngeal junction with endoscopic instrument
Performing radiological study of esophagus and stomach, (barium swallowing test)
Blood tests to assess anemia, thyroid problems, and…
In the presence of gastric reflux into the esophagus, inflammation in the throat and sometimes inflammation, redness and swelling of the larynx and damage to the vocal cords will also be evident on direct examination of the throat and larynx.
If no evidence is found in the above studies, especially if the person is a woman and is under a certain amount of stress, a diagnosis of Globus pharyngeus is likely.
If the feeling of globus in your throat is followed by vomiting and gastroesophageal reflux is a diagnosis for you, medical treatment in addition to lifestyle modification is suitable for you, for example:
- You should avoid obesity and overweight
- Quit smoking, alcohol and stimulants such as caffeinated beverages.
- Increase the number of meals per day to six and reduce the volume of each meal
- Avoid overeating
- Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes
- Chew food slowly and completely
- Do not lie down for at least two hours after eating, and do not bend forward until one hour after eating.
- Use a pillow for reflux at bedtime, or place a few bricks or bookshelves under the upper part of your bed so that the head of the bed rises so high that you do not slip on the bed while sleeping.
- Avoid placing a few pillows just below the head. If you have to do this, the head and neck should be on the pillows at the same time.
- Avoid high-salt, high-fat, high-spice, processed and canned foods, sweet and fatty donuts and breads, chips and fried snacks. Citrus fruits, cabbage, peppers, and tomatoes can also make your symptoms worse.
Drugs such as:
- Antacids
- H2blockers such as ranitidine and famotidine
- Such as ampoules or pantoprazole Ppi
They are prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes it is necessary to use drugs such as metoclopramide to help increase the rate of gastric emptying. This drug should be used only with a doctor’s prescription and according to his instructions.
Treatment of Globus pharyngitis
The basis of treatment will be the control of stress and mental disorders of the affected person.
The most important treatment is to control the patient’s stress, those around him should accept that he has a problem and is sick and understand him.
It is better for these people to avoid eating salty and sour foods because these substances slow down the emptying of the stomach and use jams instead.