If you feel that a body is stuck in your throat and you are not in pain.
If you want to get rid of the feeling of an object stuck in your throat
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Have you ever heard the term gastric reflux to the esophagus or GERD?
Did you know that contact of the juice and contents of the stomach with the throat and larynx can cause a feeling of stickiness of an object in the throat without you having pain or the real body jumping inside your throat?
In the following, we want to acquaint you more with the factor that creates the feeling of a body stuck in the throat.
If you are looking for complete information about gastroesophageal reflux disease, read on.
what you will read next :
Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD
The second most common gastrointestinal disorder is said to be gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Gastric reflux occurs when gastric juice, which contains food and fluids, acids and enzymes secreted from the stomach wall, enters the esophagus for some reason.
Heartburning and burning of back of the sternum is the most common manifestation of reflux.
However, there are cases when gastric reflux in the absence of heartburn is accompanied by an unpleasant sensation of a body stuck in the throat and forces the sufferer to regularly clear his throat.
Our stomach wall has an organized covering that is resistant to stomach acids and digestive enzymes, but the esophagus is not able to resist the contents of the stomach and will be damaged in contact with gastric juice.
To prevent the gastric juice from coming into contact with the esophagus, the muscles at the end of the esophagus create a functional sphincter at the junction of the esophagus with the stomach called the LES, or lower esophageal sphincter.
Reflux is not performed in the presence of healthy LES.
Any factor that causes the muscles of the end of the esophagus to relax or the LES to relax causes reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, items below can loosen the LES:
- Obesity
- pregnancy
- Mint
- Caffeine
- Fatty foods
- pregnancy
Gastroesophageal reflux can be very painful and in addition to the pain and discomfort and burning it will cause, it can cause adverse effects such as inducing cancerous changes in the cells of the esophagus. Gastric juice during reflux can reach the throat and larynx and cause atypical symptoms such as a feeling of a body stuck to the throat. In these cases, the patient has no pain in the throat, but constantly and despite repeated clearing of the throat, he feels that a body is attached to his throat.
Symptoms of gastric reflux
Typical and common symptoms include:
- Heartburn as the most common clinical manifestation of gastric reflux
- Pain or burning in the back of the sternum, especially after eating (with nocturnal exacerbation).
- Chest pain
- Difficulty swallowing
Other symptoms:
- The constant feeling of a lump in the throat
- The feeling of an object stuck to the throat
- Nausea
- Vomit
- Flatulent
- Belching
- Excessive saliva
- Sputum in the back of the throat that forces a person to constantly clear their throat
- Respiratory problems
- Bad breath
- Inflammation of the larynx
- Injury and inflammation of the vocal cords
- Bitterness of the mouth
- Chronic cough
- Stuck food
Gastroesophageal reflux risk factors
Reflux can affect infants to the elderly, but is more common in the elderly.
- Obesity and overweight
- pregnancy
- Cigarette
- Fatty and spicy foods
- Carbonated drinks
- Caffeine and cocoa
Consumers of some drugs such as:
- Asthma medications
- Antihypertensive drugs
- Antihistamines
- Antidepressant
- Anti-seizures
- People with diaphragmatic defects with hiatal hernias
- And etc.
A history and explanation of your doctor’s symptoms make you suspect that you have gastroesophageal reflux disease. Such as:
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Monitoring the pH contents of the esophagus
Esophageal manometry
Radiological imaging of the esophagus and stomach.
Sometimes endoscopy of the throat is used to evaluate the symptoms in the throat to study the nose, esophagus and throat.
In laryngeal injuries, laryngoscopy is necessary.
What can we do to get rid of the feeling of a body clinging to the throat?
There are two treatment modalities for treating GERD.
- medicines
- Lifestyle correction
The best therapeutic response is a combination of drugs along with lifestyle modification.
- Medications include:
Antacids that diarrhea in magnesium consumption and constipation are common in the consumption of aluminum-containing antacids
H2 receptor blockers such as ranitidine, famotidine
Such as pantoprazole, omeprazole PPI
Azithromycin, which accelerates gastric emptying.
- Lifestyle correction:
Eat more meals with fewer meals.
Avoid foods that start and intensify gastroesophageal reflux disease such as spices, fatty and heavy foods, carbonated beverages, mint, caffeine and cocoa, citrus fruits, tomatoes and grapes.
Do not lie down for at least two hours after eating and do not sleep for three or four hours after eating.
Use reflux pillows or place a few books or bricks under the top of your bed. Doctors say it’s best to avoid putting a few pillows as it can cause neck injuries.
Eat your food in peace
Do not talk while eating
Chew your food well
Lose weight
Do not wear belts, pants or tight clothing
Quit smoking and alcohol
The long-term side effects of GERD without treatment are as follows:
- Inflammation of the esophagus or esophagitis associated with heartburn, chest pain and difficulty swallowing.
- Esophageal strictures that can manifest with difficulty swallowing.
- Precancerous changes in the end of the esophagus due to constant contact with gastric juice.
- Respiratory problems such as asthma and suffocation.
- Changes in vocal cords and hoarseness.
So if you feel that something is stuck in your throat without pain and this feeling is present constantly and despite coughing and clearing the throat, it still does not go away, you must see a doctor to check and start proper treatment.