According to statistics, one out of every five adults has gallstones and related problems. It has been very rare for children and adolescents to have gallstones until many years ago, but unfortunately in recent years, the number of adolescents and even children with this problem is increasing.

The obesity and inactivity of the new generation, as well as the tendency of children and adolescents to consume high-fat foods and fast foods, may be the reason for this increase.

If you want to know the clinical signs of gallstones in adolescent women, read on


what you will read next :


Causes of gallstones

Gallstones are most common in adults and women, but female adolescents can also get gallstones. Some studies have not identified a specific underlying cause for this disorder.

But the following can stimulate the gallbladder to make stones:


Gallstones symptoms female teenager

The following symptoms may indicate a problem with a gallbladder with stones (in the early stages):


Cholecystitis and its symptoms

Gallstones may block the exit of the gallbladder. At this time, the secreted bile is blocked behind the site and collects inside the gallbladder. Inflammation develops in the wall of the gallbladder. At this stage, cholecystitis occurs. Occasionally, gallbladder outlet obstruction occurs, and in these cases, called chronic cholecystitis, the symptoms are as follows:

Following the consumption of fatty foods, there is pain for hours above the abdomen and right shoulder or under the sternum, the pain can spread to the right shoulder and between the two shoulders in the back

There is usually sometimes nausea and vomiting and it resolves on its own by following a series of pain tips.

This pain may be mistaken for biliary colic

If the exit blockage occurs suddenly, the symptoms of female teenager are more severe:


Bile duct cholangitis

Sometimes gallstones get stuck in the bile ducts of the liver, which direct bile to the small intestine. With bile duct obstruction, bile accumulates behind the obstruction site and causes inflammation. This condition is called cholangitis or inflammation of the bile duct.

Cholangitis can be chronic, with almost the same symptoms as chronic cholecystitis.

In cases of acute cholangitis, we have a bacterial infection in the back of the bile duct blocked with gallstones, in addition to the accumulation of bile.

Intestinal bacteria such as Ecoli, etc. are the main causes of blocked bile duct infection. Following this problem, infection enters the bloodstream and the spread of infection throughout the body or sepsis will be a very dangerous event in the way ! of infectious cholangitis.