In most cases, the swollen lymph nodes behind the ear are not very serious and will not be a concern, a common viral cold may cause the lymph nodes behind your ear to swell.
How to get rid of swollen lymph nodes behind the ear?
In the following, we will talk about how swollen lymph nodes behind the ear are removed.
what you will read next :
Why does the lymph node behind the ear swell?
Most of these swollen lymph nodes behind the ear are completely benign and there is nothing to worry about.
A simple viral cold can be accompanied by swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck and behind the ear, etc., which by eliminating the inflammation and viral infection, the swelling of the lymph nodes behind the ear will disappear on its own.
Sometimes some serious infections, such as mumps, may be accompanied by an enlarged lymph node behind the ear. In these cases, in these cases, the swollen lymph node is firm to the touch and is tender.
Swelling of the lymph nodes behind the ear caused by viral cold infections will heal on their own and do not require treatment.
Usually after two to three weeks, these swollen glands in the back of your ear will heal on their own, this is according to the time when your body has been able to successfully control the infection.
If after this period, which means after three weeks, there is still swelling of the lymph node behind the ear, you must see a doctor.
How to detect swollen lymph nodes behind the ear?
Place your three middle fingers behind the ear and gently touch the skin behind the earlobe to the outside of the jawbone as the fingers move in a circle.
Remember not to confuse bony prominences with swollen lymph nodes.
You should not touch anything swollen behind your ear as long as you are healthy and do not have viral infections, inflammation following viral infections, etc. sometimes cause painful swelling of the lymph node behind the ear.
In the following you can read about another cause of swollen lymph nodes behind the ear:
Sometimes sinus or ear infections become bacterial.
Bacterial ear infections are especially common in children and can be accompanied by occasional painful swelling of the lymph nodes behind the ear.
Of course, in these infectious cases, it is necessary to receive appropriate antibiotic treatment.
What are the infectious and inflammatory causes of swollen lymph nodes behind the ear?
Infectious and inflammatory causes leading to swollen lymph nodes behind the ear are described below:
- Infection and inflammation of the tonsils or tonsillitis
- Bacterial and viral infections of the ear or otitis
- Simple viral colds
- Flu
- Skin infections
- Bone infection behind the ear or mastoiditis
- Infectious acne
Lipoma, which is actually a benign mass of the fat community.
Aside from infections and inflammation, there are cancers that may be associated with swollen lymph nodes behind the ear, such as lymphomas and some leukemia – lymphomas, but most masses behind the ear are harmless.
What can we do to get rid of swollen lymph nodes behind the ear?
- Home remedies
- Specialized and medical treatments
- Home remedies:
Use a warm (not hot) compress.
Heat a thin towel and place it on the swollen area and hold for a while.
The heat relieves your discomfort.
Absolutely refrain placing hot compresses on the skin.
If you have inflammation of the throat, ears or sinuses, try to drink warm liquids, such as hot light tea and chicken and vegetable soups.
This swelling is there until the infection is completely gone from your body, and usually after two and finally three weeks you should not feel swelling behind the ear.
- Specialized and medical treatments:
In case of bacterial infection of tonsils, sinuses and ears, appropriate antibiotics are prescribed.
Examination of other lymph nodes in the head and neck will sometimes be necessary.
Sometimes your doctor will use an LCT scan to look more closely at your lymph nodes.
Sometimes, especially in prolonged cases, a blood sample may be taken from you.
When should we see a doctor?
- If the swelling of the lymph node behind your ear has lasted more than three weeks and has not yet resolved.
- If you have a fever, night sweats or weight loss.
- If you feel a kind of irregularity in the touch of the swollen gland behind your ear
- If you feel that the swollen lymph nodes in the back of your ear are stiff.
- If there is discoloration on the swelling site.