People with chronic hepatitis C die 15 years earlier than non-infected people. In people with acute hepatitis C, the body clears the hepatitis C virus. In this article, we take a look at outlook hepatitis c and say that how long it takes to die from hepatitis c
It should be noted that the hepatitis C virus, in general, is rarely lethal. What causes complications and mortality in untreated chronic hepatitis C are liver adenocarcinoma and liver cirrhosis (liver failure).
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Prognosis of chronic hepatitis C
In patients with chronic hepatitis C, the outlook will depend on the extent of liver damage and response to treatment. For better conditions, treatment should be started as soon as possible.
Studies show that a person with chronic hepatitis C virus (chronic hepatitis) without treatment and care, compared to a healthy population:
- The chance of developing cirrhosis or liver failure is five to twenty-five percent higher.
- A person with cirrhosis has a one to four percent increased chance of developing liver cancer.
- More than 50 percent of people with acute hepatitis will develop chronic hepatitis C, a chronic, long-term condition that can be associated with liver failure and cancer.
With the right use of drugs, more than 90% of people will be cured within eight to twelve months.
Treatment for a person with chronic hepatitis C depends on several factors:
- Viral load (volume of virus that enters the body)
- The extent of liver damage
- Gene and type of hepatitis C virus
- Use a class of drugs called Direct acting Antivirals or DAAs
What causes death in people with chronic hepatitis C is the complications of this disorder. Mortality in acute hepatitis C is very rare.
Many people with chronic hepatitis C are unaware of their condition because they have no symptoms. With the onset of liver damage in these people, symptoms will gradually appear. Therefore, it is recommended that High-risk populations should have regular serological tests for early detection of hepatitis C virus infection to begin treatment before severe liver damage.
- Epclusa (sofosbuvir velpatasvir) is the first drug to treat six different types of deadly hepatitis C virus genes.
- A new drug called Mavyret (glecapriver pibrentasvir) shortens the duration of treatment by four weeks, meaning that eight weeks of treatment is enough to treat a variety of hepatitis C viruses with any gene.
So do not waste time treating your chronic hepatitis C.
If hepatitis C is not treated, what will outlook like?
If left untreated, hepatitis C can lead to severe cirrhosis or liver failure. The risk of developing liver adenocarcinoma (a dangerous and deadly cancer) will increase, and many cases will require liver transplants due to liver failure. Unfortunately, liver transplant surgery is only possible for a small number of people
If left untreated, hepatitis C can last for years, but they live 15 years less than people without chronic hepatitis C.
Hepatitis C virus will have different course in different people, twenty to thirty percent of people with chronic hepatitis C develop liver cirrhosis within twenty years, and cirrhosis increases the risk of liver cancer by up to five percent
One in three people with hepatitis C develops cirrhosis of the liver, and a number of people with cirrhosis unfortunately develop a fatal form of liver cancer.
Symptoms of hepatitis C in the final stages
People in the final stages of their liver failure will have the following symptoms:
- Yellowing of the skin and eyes
- Consecutive and unexplained bleeding and bruising
- In summary, early initiation of appropriate treatment for chronic hepatitis C has reduced the risk of cirrhosis and even liver cancer.