If you are constantly experiencing a false sense of urination.

If you are one of those people who constantly feel like defecating but have practically nothing to defecate in the toilet.

If the above cases have caused you harassment outside the home and at your place of work, if you are looking for solutions to solve the above problems, we have provided you with a complete scientific and complete collection of valid information in fluent way.

It can be very frustrating for a person to repeatedly feel like urinating. Having to go to the bathroom immediately at work and outside the home can interfere with many of your work and social activities.

Now imagine having a regular feeling of defecation without having anything to defecate.

It is conceivable that the above conditions can be very annoying.

What is the cause of this false urine urgency, what other symptoms could there be in these people? And how to get rid of the above problem?

By reading the following article, you will get the appropriate answers to the above questions:


what you will read next :


Why do we have urgency to urinate?

What causes us to have frequent urination without urinating?

Here are some of the most common causes for false urination.

Doctors briefly refer to these infections as UTIs.

The most common cause of urgent urinary incontinence, which is usually accompanied by a lack of urine at the time of urination, is urinary tract infections

Women are more likely than men to develop UTIs for anatomical, structural, and hormonal reasons.

The most common cause of urinary tract infections is an intestinal bacterium called Escherichia coli, or E. coli.

This bacterium easily reaches the urinary tract from the anus and the space around the anus in the absence of proper hygiene.

The most common type of UTI is caused by Escherichia coli. Infection and inflammation is an infection of the bladder that doctors call cystitis.

Inflammation of the bladder wall causes inflammation of the bladder muscles. These muscles may contract abnormally due to infection and inflammation and in the absence of excretable urine volume, and as a result of these abnormal contractions you feel urgency to urinate you feel urgency to urinate but will not have urine to pass.


Possible causes

The following are common causes of UTIs:


Causes False sensation of urination

Around the first trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes in women will make women feel the need to urinate more than before. Increased human progesterone and chorionic gonadotropin or beta HCG are very effective in this process.

After this period, with the increase of fetal growth and enlargement of the uterus, the increased uterine pressure on the bladder causes the pregnant woman, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, to feel more urgent in urinating than before.


In men, an enlarged prostate gland, located just outside the bladder outlet and passing through the urethra, may increase the need for bowel movements in men.

Enlarged prostate is associated with increased intra-bladder pressure, and this increased pressure will be able to repeatedly urinate in a person with prostatic hyperplasia. In these cases, a large volume of urine has not yet accumulated in the bladder, so despite the urgent need to urinate, you will excrete a very small amount of urine. Benign prostate hyperplasia will develop gradually in all men after middle age and the vast majority of men over the age of seventy-five have benign prostatic enlargement, or BPH.

Apart from these major and common causes, we must also name some other causes, which are:


Accompanying signs and symptoms

If infections are the underlying cause of your feeling of urgent urination, the following signs and symptoms may also occur.

Decreased appetite and unreasonable weight loss along with lethargy can be present in tumors, so be sure to consult your doctor immediately in the above cases.


Prevention and treatment

Consider the following points for prevention and treatment:


How to prevent the urgent need to urinate?

The following ways will help you overcome the urgent need to urinate (in the absence of a large volume of urine):

It can be very frustrating and disruptive for you, as a man or a woman, to urinate frequently without large amounts of urine, and disrupt your work and social life, but do not worry, the best thing to do first is to see a doctor for

Early detection of UTI is very important because if primary infections in the urethra and bladder are not treated in time, they can spread to the kidneys and cause much worse conditions.

Drinking healthy, non-alcoholic and caffeinated fluids during treatment and prevention should not be forgotten.


Additional Tips

You can use the following to overcome the feeling of rapid and immediate urination after rejecting urinary tract infections and prostate problems.