If you are breastfeeding your baby, know that it will be normal for him to defecate after each feeding in the first few weeks of life, and it is a good sign that your baby is getting plenty of milk. In the following our doctor will talk to you more about the following question: Is it normal for a newborn baby to poop after each feeding?


what you will read next :


How many times a day can newborns defecate?

Twenty-four to eight hours after birth, the baby will pass mucus or swallowed fluid into the mother’s abdomen. Usually at least three bowel movements in a newborn will be appropriate, but keep in mind that a number of perfectly healthy babies can defecate four to twelve times a day, and you do not need to worry.


Is it normal for my newborn to have a bowel movement after each feeding?

If you are breastfeeding and have a bowel movement after each feeding, do not worry, this is very common among breastfed babies, you should also be happy that your baby is defecating after each feeding. This is a sign that your baby is getting enough milk

If you feed your baby formula !, he or she will probably have less bowel movements. Formula-fed babies will have less frequent bowel movements, but in this group babies will also have normal bowel movements after each feeding.

So if you have a baby fed or formula and your baby has a bowel movement after each feeding, do not worry at all, this is perfectly normal and your baby is in perfect health.


Excretion of feces after each feeding in infants

We said that in the first few weeks after birth, it would be perfectly normal for breast-fed babies (more common) and formula-fed babies to defecate after each feeding.

In addition, there is a group of infants, especially Formulas, who defecate once every three days. Both groups are in normal range and there is nothing to worry about for parents.


How long will this bowel movement continue after eating?

Infants’ bowel movements usually decrease from about three to six weeks after birth, But still, a group of infants may continue the habit of defecating after each feeding. It is also normal for children to defecate five times a day after one year of birth. If the frequency of defecation in children is in this range and the child has a suitable weight and growth in height and head circumference, appropriate to his age in the examination sessions, there is no need to worry.


What is infant diarrhea?

There is a term called infantile diarrhea, which usually affects children six months to five years old. These children have three to ten bowel movements that occur during the day and when the child is awake and active.

Sometimes, even immediately after eating, the child has a bowel movement. This process is completely normal and the growth chart and developmental stages of these children are normal. Another characteristic of toddler diarrhea will be the presence of undigested food in the stool, so do not worry and it is better to reduce the consumption of industrial fruits and sugars in the child.


When to see a doctor?

In the following cases, you should be concerned about your baby or toddler and be sure to inform the doctor:

One of the most common problems in infants with frequent bowel movements is diaper rash. Vaseline should only be used if the skin in the diaper area is not red. Otherwise, zinc oxide cream may be appropriate.

It is also necessary to leave the baby without diaper for a few minutes after washing so that the eczema area is completely dry. If the above methods do not improve, ask your pediatrician for help.


the final words

Breastfed infants very commonly defecate after almost every feeding. These times may even reach twelve times a day, and there is nothing to worry about.

This is less common in formula-fed infants, but if it is observed, it is still normal and you should not worry.

Gradually, the number of bowel movements decreases in the three to six weeks after birth and reaches about three or four times a day.

But perfectly healthy infants may defecate many times, as long as there is no sudden change in the consistency of the stool and the growth of height and head circumference besides weight gain is normal and there is no fever, etc. You should not worry.

After six weeks, infants may also defecate once a week. It will not be a problem if the stool is without force and the infants are not upset during defecation and their appetite and growth chart are normal.

It is said that sometimes a baby defecates five times a day, even one year after birth.