General English name: Isotretinoin gel

Brand: Isotrex, Isotrexin

Application: Mild to moderate pimples or acne


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Drug information for Isotretinoin gel

Medication Information: Acne or pimples are a major cause of facial blemishes. The most common age of acne is 12-25 years, but younger or older people may also get it. There are small sebaceous glands under the skin that secrete fat to keep the skin surface smooth. The small pores in the skin are the way these fats enter the surface of the skin. In acne, some of these pores become clogged, causing blackheads and whiteheads. With topical isotretinoin, closed pores are opened and pimples are removed. There are also gels (isotrexin) that contain isotretinoin along with an antibacterial agent called erythromycin. This gel is prescribed if the pimples are inflamed.

Isotretinoin capsules are available. These types of medications are used for more severe cases of acne that are not treated with skin gels.


Contraindications to Isotretinoin gel

Pay attention to the expiration date of isotretinoin gel and do not take it if the medicine in your hand has expired.

Never give the medicine to anyone else, even if you have the same symptoms.

Check for drug interactions with isotretinoin gel and be sure to tell your doctor what other medication you are taking.

Isotretinoin gel makes your skin sensitive, avoid strong sunscreens.


Drug interaction of Isotretinoin gel

Drug interactions may alter drug performance and increase the risk of serious side effects. Do not change the dose of your medicine without consulting your doctor or stop taking the medicine.

Before using the medicine, make a list of all the medicines (including prescription / over-the-counter and herbal medicines) you are taking and share it with your doctor and pharmacist. Especially if drugs such as tetracyclines (eg, minocycline, tetracycline), vitamin A drugs (eg, tretinoin, bexarotene), vitamin A, and drugs that cause bone loss (e.g. For example, you are taking anticonvulsant drugs (such as phenytoin, corticosteroids such as prednisolone).

Use a reliable contraceptive method with isotretinoin. Talk to your doctor if you have spotting or bleeding, as this may be a sign that your contraceptive method is not working well.


Tips to consider before taking Isotretinoin gel

Some medications can not be prescribed under certain conditions, and some medications may be prescribed if additional treatment is needed. Therefore, it is best for your doctor to know the following before taking isotretinoin:


Possible side effects of Isotretinoin gel

All drugs, along with their positive effects, can cause unwanted side effects in the body. However, these complications do not occur in all people. Over time, your body will adjust to the new medication and these symptoms will go away, but if the following symptoms persist or become painful, consult your doctor.

Skin irritation, dryness, redness and scaling of the skin: In the first few days, use the gel less often to get better. Consult your doctor if these cases become more severe.

Dark or light areas on the skin: These are temporary and go away quickly.

Talk to your doctor if you have any other symptoms that you feel are caused by isotretinoin gel.


How to store Isotretinoin gel