If you suffer from knee pain.
If you are looking for non-surgical treatments for knee pain If you are looking for the best treatment for knee pain You or your loved ones.
If you want to get acquainted with the available treatments for knee pain, read more about knee pain and knee pain treatments. In this article we have tried to gather everything you need to know about knee pain.
If you have knee pain, you definitely want to know more about your pain and know about non-surgical treatments to get rid of knee pain.
We all know that having physical activity and standard sports activities is essential for the general health of the body and strengthening ossification.
But unfortunately, the knee joint, because it regularly and frequently bears the weight of your body and is also a joint that suffers more pressure than other joints in daily activities, knee injuries will start earlier than your other joints and knee pain. It is one of the most common pains of the human skeletal system.
what you will read next :
Anatomy of the knee
Many components are involved in the formation of the knee joint.
Three adjacent bones of the joint
Bursa that contain small bags of fluid that facilitate the movement of joint components.
Tendons, menisci and ligaments
Each of the above components may be damaged and the cause of your knee pain may be injuries to any of the above components.
Therefore, the best course of action is that if you have knee pain that is severe, if your knee pain occurred after a knee injury or accident or during exercise, if fever and lethargy are associated with your knee pain, if your knee pain has lasted and worsened, be sure to see your doctor to check and diagnose the cause of knee pain.
In the following, we will talk more about the cause of knee pain and ways of non-surgical treatment to relieve knee pain.
Causes of knee pain
Here are some common causes of knee pain:
- Knee patellar chondromalacia:
The most common cause of pain in the front of the knee is patellar chondromalacia.
In this condition, the cartilage of the knee will lose its health, freshness and clarity and will become dull and yellow and there will be scratches on the surface of the cartilage of the knee. Most young people suffer from patellar chondromalacia.
- Inflammation of the tendons around the knee or knee tendonitis:
There are a number of tendons around your knee. Stretching these structures causes tendon damage and inflammation. Doctors call tendonitis.
Common tendonitis in the knee includes:
- Patellar tendinitis:
In this disorder, which is more common in athletes with jumping and movements, the tendon between the patella and the tibia in the leg becomes stretched, damaged, and inflamed.
Knee pain below the patella is a common symptom of this tendinitis in people with it. For example, volleyball players and basketball players experience pain below the patella, especially when they want to straighten their knee against an external resistance.
If your doctor determines that the cause of your knee pain is patellar tendonitis of the knee, you can use non-surgical methods to treat and reduce your knee pain, such as the following:
Perform standard stretching exercises
Perform standard exercises to strengthen the quadriceps muscles
(Because strengthening the muscles that support the knee joint is very effective in stabilizing the knee)
- Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon or quadriceps tendonitis:
The quadriceps tendon attaches to the upper edge of the patella. Inflammation that occurs at the junction of the quadriceps tendon is one of the causes of pain in the front of the knee.
If the cause of your knee pain is quadriceps tendinitis, you can use non-surgical methods to relieve your knee pain without the need for surgery.
- Inflammation of the bursae of the knee or bursitis of the knee
- Pre-pallet bursitis:
In front of your patella there is a small sac containing fluid that facilitates the movement of the knee, the wall of this sac can become inflamed and swollen which will cause pain in the front of the knee.
Inflammation of the bursa in front of the patella is called pre-patellar bursitis, which is more common in people who kneel a lot.
If buccal bursitis is the cause of your knee pain, you can use the following non-surgical methods to improve.
Reduce your physical activity during the pain phase.
Apply a cold compress to the front of the knee three to four times a day for 15 to 20 minutes at a time.
Hold the affected leg high.
Use oral anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen.
Use topical piroxicam to help reduce inflammation and pain in the knee.
In resistant cases that have not produced a proper therapeutic response with the above methods, drainage of the accumulated stock fluid is required. Sometimes in very persistent cases of pain and inflammation, it will be necessary to remove the entire bursa in front of the patella.
- Bursitis after Anserinus:
Pes anserine bursitis
This bursa is located between the hamstring muscle tendon and the tibia bone. Most people with the below problems get this tendonitis:
- Runners
- People with osteoarthritis
- fat people
- people with internal meniscus tears of the knee
This inflammation is characterized by pain below the knee in the inner part of the knee. (about six centimeters below the knee)
If the cause of your knee pain is bursitis after encephalitis, you can use the following non-surgical methods to reduce your knee pain.
- Stop all strenuous exercise and rest
- Apply a cold compress on the front and below the knee three to four times a day for fifteen to twenty minutes.
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen and in resistant and prolonged cases, injection of corticosteroids by a physician into the site of inflammation.
- Osteoarthritis of the knee:
Clinical signs of degeneration of the cartilage of the knee joint or wear and tear of the cartilage of the knee, called osteoarthritis of the knee, is pain, swelling and reduction of the range of motion of the knee joint.
In the early stages of osteoarthritis, treatments will be non-surgical to reduce pain. With the progression of osteoarthritis, meniscus damage may also occur. In more severe cases, surgery is required to correct knee problems. Generally, the treatment steps are as follows:
- First lifestyle style correction:
- Achieving the right weight and correcting overweight
- Do not use stairs
- Avoid walking uphill and downhill
- Do not sit on two knees and four knees !!
- Doing exercises to strengthen the supporting muscles of the knee, (quadriceps and hamstrings in the right way)
- In the pain phase:
- Rest
- Avoid putting too much pressure on the knee
- Hot and cold compresses
- Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as ibuprofen, naproxen
- Start standard exercises
- Knee physiotherapy
If the appropriate therapeutic response is not obtained, the following items will be added to the above:
Intra-knee injections
Injection of hyaluronic acid gels
Corticosteroid injection
Ozone injection
If there is a deformity of the knee and advanced knee osteoarthritis, surgical replacement of the knee joint is necessary.
- Rheumatoid arthritis:
The knee may be involved in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Knee pain and swelling are present in the early stages and in advanced cases joint deformity is added to the manifestations.
Treatment in these cases will be done with standard drugs plus basic exercises to maintain the range of motion of the knee.
- Iliotibial band syndrome:
A very strong band called the iliotibial is pulled out from the pelvis to below your knee. When the knee moves, this band will constantly rub against the outer surface of the knee. Following this abrasion, inflammation, pain, and swelling occur on the outer surface of the knee, especially in long-distance runners. These people feel pain about ten minutes after the start of the run, which will improve with rest.
If your knee pain is due to this syndrome, treatment and reduction of knee pain will be possible without surgery and with the following measures
Exercise to relax the iliotibial band
- Knee dislocations:
Although knee dislocation is rare, knee dislocation can generally be associated with damage to arteries, ligaments, and nerves.
Damage to the arteries near the knee is very dangerous.
In these cases, treatment measures, which include reduction of the knee joint, should be performed immediately. Very fast non-surgical reduction is required. In case of delayed reduction, there is a possibility of vascular and nerve damage. After a knee reduction, you should stay in the hospital for a while so that doctors can monitor for possible accompanying injuries.
When is surgery needed?
Keep in mind that non-surgical treatment alone will not suffice if the cause of knee pain is the following:
- Some knee fractures
- Prominent deformity of the knee
- Some types of ligament injuries
- Some types of meniscus damage
Other causes of knee pain
In addition to the above, knee pain is caused by the following causes:
- Lack of coordination and balance between the muscles of the back and front of the thigh.
- Alignment of the thighs and legs at the knee joint
- Do not warm up before strenuous exercise or competition
- Doing exercises in an unprincipled way
- Use of non-standard sports equipment
- Excessive pressure on the knee
Knee pain in adolescents
In adolescent knee pain, the pain begins gradually and can increase at night. The sufferer has knee pain when running and jumping. Is the knee joint to sound
If knee pain is not addressed in adolescents, the injuries will become more serious, permanent and chronic.
Therefore, in the above cases, it is necessary to stop any sports activities and not participate in competitions. It is best to see a doctor early to determine the cause of the pain
When should we see a doctor?
If your knee pain is accompanied by any of the following, be sure to see your doctor:
- If your knee pain is so severe that you cannot put your foot down.
- If you have severe knee pain following a knee injury or accident.
- Purulent discharge from the knee.
- Fever with knee pain and feeling of heat and local pain and swelling in the knee.
- Existence of an open wound on the knee with knee pain.
- Knee pain with a small but deep wound on the knee
- Knee pain in people with coagulation disorders or a history of taking anticoagulants such as warfarin, enoxaparin, heparin and etc.
- Acute knee pain with obvious deformity of the knee following trauma.
- Knee pain with difficulty bending and straightening the knee.
- Knee pain with decreased range of motion of the knee.
Non-surgical treatments for knee pain
If you have knee pain and your doctor has performed the necessary examinations and you do not need surgery, the following measures can be used as non-surgical methods to reduce knee pain.
- Rest:
This means that you should stop any activity and factor that causes knee pain.
Rest gives your body a chance to heal inflammation and repair damaged tissue
- the cold:
Cold compresses reduce chronic pain in the knee.
Apply a cold compress to the knee three times a day for 15 to 20 minutes each time.
Temporarily bandaging the knee with a suitable band or knee brace
- Hold up the affected foot
- Medicines:
Naproxen and celexibe are good choices with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
We remind you that if you take acetaminophen, know that this drug is only an analgesic and does not improve inflammation. In addition, avoid taking more than one thousand milligrams of acetaminophen for twenty-four hours separately, as it leads to fatal poisoning.
By observing the above points, recovery is possible within three to seven days.