Foot pain, which includes pain and problems from the pelvis to the toes, affects a large number of people in the community, Pain that starts after lifting heavy objects or after sitting on non-standard chairs for a long time and spreads to the thighs and legs and is sometimes accompanied by tingling and falling asleep.
what you will read next :
What is radicular pain?
Pain that has a diffuse and shooting nature is called radicular pain which is mainly caused by damage and pressure on the spinal nerves. The most well-known nerve pain in the leg, known as “sciatica”, is very common among people. If you or those around you are suffering from radicular leg pain, in this article we will introduce you to medication treatments for nerve pain in the leg.
Why do nerve foot pains occur?
The nerve fibers responsible for innervating the components of the foot may become inflamed or damaged by diabetes (diabetic neuropathy); there are also some nutritional deficiencies that can cause nerve dysfunction, Sometimes prolonged physical pressure on nerves coming out of the spinal cord (spinal nerve roots) caused by osteoarthritis of the vertebrae or protrusion of the disc between the vertebrae can cause nerve damage.
What are the characteristics of nerve foot pain?
These pains show themselves with the following characteristics:
- Being sharp
- Radicular pain
- Having a state like electric shock
- Tingling
These pains can be continuous or intermittent.
Some people also experience a dull sensation such as hot or cold water running down their thighs or legs.
What are the types of nerve pain in the legs?
Here are the most common causes of nerve pain in the legs
- Radiculopathies:
There are pains that are caused by stimulation and pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord in the lower back. These stimuli and pressures can be caused by osteoarthritis of the vertebrae (in the elderly) and protrusion of the disc (in younger people).
The most well-known of these pains is the pain caused by the pressure on the roots that make up the sciatic nerve And is commonly known as sciatica (the thick trunk of the sciatic nerve is formed by the joining of five thin nerve roots that protrude between the vertebrae of the spine and Nerves from the lower back to the soles of the feet and the soles of the toes; Characteristic of this pain:
Dissemination from the lower back to the buttocks, thighs and legs and numbness in the thighs, legs and toes as well as weakness of the pelvic and thigh muscles. . Of course, the location of the symptoms depends on the nerve that is under pressure
- Neuropathies
Nerve disorders that cause nerve dysfunction are called neuropathy.
When these disorders develop in the nerves outside the spinal cord, they are called peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes is the most common cause of peripheral neuropathy in the foot. The characteristics of this pain are:
Pain that starts in the toes and can spread to the knee.
Numbness and weakness in the toes and ankles
Usually both feet have problems with diabetic neuropathy
- Lumbosacral neural network disorders:
This disorder is more common in diabetics, and is caused by diabetes due to inflammation of the blood vessels leading to the nerves. This disorder first occurs as local pain in the pelvis, buttocks, thighs or legs and gradually spreads around. Numbness and muscle weakness also occur in these areas and muscle weakness can cause a series of falls.
- Neurological lameness:
These pains are caused by the narrowing of the spinal canal, the narrowing of the canal restricts the passage of the spinal cord and the spinal cord is pressed.
Pain and weakness in these cases occur when standing and walking. This pain is aggravated especially when the back is bent backwards and while sitting, leaning forward and lying down is reduced.
- Tunnel tarsal syndrome:
It is a pain that is perceived on the inner surface of the ankle and sole of the foot and is caused by the pressure of the tibial nerves near the inner ankle. This pain worsens at night or after prolonged exercise and standing.
Treatment of nerve pain in the leg
Depending on the cause of the pain, more specific treatments are chosen by the doctor.
In the following, we will express the appropriate drug treatments in neuropathies and radiculopathies of the foot.
If you have diffuse and shooting pain from the back to the thighs, legs and soles of the feet (sciatica)
Analgesics that are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as drugs below can be helpful:
- Ibuprofen
- Naproxen
- Indomethacin
In addition to reducing pain, these drugs reduce inflammation of the nerves and accelerate recovery.
- Muscle relaxants:
Metacarbamol and baclofen reduce pain and discomfort by relaxing contracted muscles. Both drugs can be used orally or by injection as directed by your doctor.
- Tricyclic antidepressants
Such as amitriptyline
- Epidural injection of steroids:
This injection is performed by a specialist doctor and significantly reduces the inflammation of the nerve involved
Drug treatment of foot neuropathy
Medications for nerve pain in the legs if you have leg neuropathies are as follows
Avoid taking the following drugs arbitrarily and do not exceed the dose prescribed by your doctor:
- Pergabalin (Lyrica)
- Gabapentin (Neurontin)
- Duloxetine
- Amitriptyline
- Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
- X-carbamazepine (trileptal)
In addition to neuropathy, these drugs are also used to treat seizures or depression