If you are in the early stages of pregnancy and experience period-like pain.
If you are worried about your pain in the first weeks of pregnancy.
If you want to know the difference between pregnancy pain and period.
We recommend that you read the rest of the article
Abdominal pain and any kind of pain in pregnancy will definitely worry the pregnant woman.
In this article, we will introduce you to the pains of early pregnancy.
Before studying, we must say that the clinical signs and manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and the time of menstruation and pregnancy are different in different people, meaning that you do not necessarily have to experience all the symptoms of your friend, so correct knowledge will be necessary for every pregnant woman.
what you will read next :
Common menstrual symptoms
The following changes may occur in people around the time of menstruation. We compare symptoms and manifestations with symptoms in early pregnancy.
- Changes in the breasts:
- Breast pain
- Congestion and swelling of the breast
- Breast tenderness
- The severity of these changes in women varies
- Breast changes resolve during menstruation.
In pregnancy, there is both breast tenderness and a feeling of heaviness in the breasts. These changes may be accompanied by burning and itching of the nipple.
Breast tenderness usually begins in the first one to two weeks of pregnancy and lasts until delivery.
- Spotting and bleeding:
The experience of spotting is usually uncommon in the days leading up to menstruation, but spotting occurs on the first day of menstruation.
Bleeding on the first day of the period is very light and is sometimes interpreted as spotting. After that, for four to five days, the obvious bleeding will continue and stop
Early in pregnancy, a pregnant woman may experience spotting and bleeding. Any bleeding should be reported to a doctor or midwife immediately.
- Stomach ache:
Stomach ache is a common symptom of PMS, menstruation, and early pregnancy.
Stomach ache in early pregnancy can be very similar to the time of menstruation. In the following, we will talk more about their differences. In general, stomach ache in early pregnancy should not be excruciating and severe, and generally affects the lower stomach more than the lower abdomen.
The most common cause of abdominal pain in early pregnancy, which can last for weeks to months, is changes in the mother’s body and pelvis to prepare for nine months of pregnancy.
The uterus and all the ligaments that hold the uterus and pelvic floor muscles relax. These changes are accompanied by stretching of the uterus and its readiness to accept the growth of the fetus.
The above cause is the most common cause of heart pain in the first weeks of pregnancy.
- Headache:
Hormonal changes cause headaches and migraines in women that occur during PMS, menstruation and also during pregnancy.
What is the difference between menstrual cramps and early pregnancy cramps?
Menstrual cramps are different from early pregnancy cramps. During menstruation, the cause of your stomachache is that the uterus contracts due to a compound called prostaglandins to separate the loose inner layer of your wall. This is the wall collapse that you experience as monthly vaginal bleeding.
Prostaglandins will cause contractions and sometimes painful cramps in the uterus. In addition, pain and inflammation are the result of the presence of prostaglandins.
But there are other causes of early pregnancy pain that we have said that the most common cause of physiological pain in early pregnancy is changes in the uterus, stretching of the uterus and uterine ligaments, and stretching of the pelvic floor muscles, which are caused by hormonal changes in pregnancy. These pains can last for weeks to months but are not accompanied by bleeding and should not be too severe or obvious.
Implantation pain is experienced by only some of women, ten to fourteen days after fertilization, which is generally described as follows:
- Kick
- Feeling stretched
- burning
- Tingling
Severe implantation pain is abnormal. Implantation pain is very mild or extremely moderate. Sometimes it is so mild that a pregnant woman does not notice it at all. In addition, implant bleeding is very light.
What are the types and causes of abdominal pain in early pregnancy?
- Physiological pain:
With the onset of pregnancy and fertilization, changes will occur throughout the pregnant woman’s body, the purpose of which is to prepare the uterus for the acceptance and protection of the fetus for nine months.
Progesterone, which prepares and relaxes the uterus to hold the fetus and prevents it from contracting, has certain extrauterine effects, such as relaxing other muscles in the body, including the pelvic floor muscles, and loosening the ligaments that hold the uterus in the pelvis.
The loosening of these ligaments creates the opportunity for the uterus to grow larger as the fetus grows.
The uterus is very small in early pregnancy and has no pressure effect on other pelvic organs at all.
The ligaments of the uterus, which hold the uterus in place on both sides, relax and make changes so that the uterus can dilate easily. Uterine ligament pain is a sharp and sudden pain that can occur on one or both sides of the uterus, and lasts for a few seconds.
Uterine ligament pain starts or intensifies when coughing and sneezing. Sometimes changing the position of a pregnant woman also causes the above pain. Most women report that this pain is felt when they change position from a sitting to a standing position.
Despite the unpleasantness of this pain, it will not threaten you and your fetus.
Many women experience pelvic floor pain, especially during pregnancy. Uterine dilatation and pelvic floor muscle changes due to pregnancy hormones.
The location of this pain can be in any of the following places:
- Around Uterus
- Bladder
- back
- stomach
Pelvic floor pain does not harm the fetus, but it does get worse as the pregnancy progresses.
Weakness of the pelvic floor muscles in some women, in addition to pain in the uterus, abdomen, and lower back, may cause urinary incontinence when sneezing or coughing.
- Threat of abortion:
If you have severe and progressive pain in the abdomen, lower abdomen and lower back that is accompanied by light or dark bleeding or bleeding has occurred and now there is only severe and progressive pain that is felt mostly in the lower abdomen and lower back, take the symptoms seriously.
In cases where bleeding is predominant over pain, immediate referral to an equipped medical center is required. Delay in referral can lead to pregnancy loss.
- Ectopic pregnancy:
When the egg is released from the ovary, it is naturally fertilized with sperm in the same side of the fallopian tube, and the product of pregnancy reaches the uterus after a few days while performing cell divisions and is replaced in the uterine wall. Until the placenta is formed and the nutrition and growth of the fetus continue. In an ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy product is replaced somewhere outside the uterus. More than 90% of ectopic pregnancies attach to the fallopian tubes and the rest to the ovaries, on the ovaries, and even the cervical wall.
Under these conditions, it is not possible for the fetus to grow and the fetus will definitely be lost.
Ectopic pregnancies are a medical emergency, and failure to terminate a pregnancy in a timely manner can result in the loss of the mother’s life because the developing fetus causes the fallopian tube to rupture, and it causes injury and bleeding, and inflammation will cover the entire abdomen.
Intra-abdominal and pelvic bleeding can lead to hypotension, shock, coma, and eventually maternal death.
In ectopic pregnancies, the pain is much more severe, in other words, there is clarity and superiority of pain over bleeding.
Important risk factors for ectopic pregnancy
- Pregnancy in women over thirty-five years
- Use of contraceptive methods such as IVF
- Being a smoker
- History of PID
- Previous history of ectopic pregnancy in yourself, mother or sister
- Endometriosis
- Having sexually transmitted diseases
- The presence of a pregnancy sac in the uterus relieves the concern about ectopic pregnancy
Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy
- No pregnancy sac is seen in the uterus with ultrasound despite the increase in the level and amount of pregnancy hormone.
- Pain is usually unilateral in the abdomen
- Nausea
- Vomit
- Boredom and lethargy
- Lightheadedness
- Abdominal pain intensifies with bleeding
- Hypotention
- Shock
- Coma
- Death
The final word
Finally, the causes of abdominal pain in early pregnancy should be noted that constipation and urinary tract infections are also common causes of abdominal pain in pregnancy.
In short, the physiological pain of pregnancy should be very mild, with no progression over time and no warning signs.