If you are a woman who experiences painful intercourse and wants to know what is the cause of this annoying experience?
It is good to know that one of the causes is dyspareunia that is actually pain during sexual intercourse.
Doctors believe that one of the causes of painful intercourse is inflammation of the vulvar vestibule, or vulvar vestibulitis. Today, vulvar vestibulitis is referred to as provoked vestibulodynia.
Which we are going to explain in the following.
What you will read next:
This disorder causes a chronic pain around a woman’s vagina or genitals, and the cause is not yet well understood. It is said that not all women show this disorder in the same way.
The pain may be felt all over the vulva area or just at the entrance to the vagina. The symptoms may be persistent and severe, or they may occur only during intercourse and sexual activity. As we have said, the exact cause is not known and the symptoms can be treated, But it cannot be completely eradicated.
What are the other names for this disorder?
- vestibulitis
- Clitoridynia
symptoms are Burning pain, Itching, Irritation, Redness and swelling.
Symptoms may be exacerbated by sexual intercourse, tampon use, not washing inside the vagina, and exercise and physical activity.
The above disorder refers to pain in the vulvar area in women that lasts for at least three months and is concentrated in the vestibular area and intensifies or begins with touch and sexual activity.
Doctors specifically use vulvar vestibulitis to describe a condition in which there is a diagnostic triad called the Friedrich Triad.
This triangle is as follows:
Pain during intercourse or when attempting to insert an object, e.g.
- Speculum to vagina
- Pressure pain to the vestibule during the examination
- Existence of vestibular erythema
What is the cause of this disorder or provoked vulvodynia?
The term vulvodynia generally refers to a condition in which there is unexplained pain in the vulva, And the person has subsequently suffered from sexual dysfunction and psychological distress.
The causes of the disorder remain unknown, but doctors say there may not be a lasting link between the annoying disorder and genital infections.
Some of these infectious agents that cannot cause provoked vulvodynia are:
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Gonorrhea A.
- Trichomonas
- Mycoplasma
- Gardnerella vaginalis
- Candidate
- H.P.V
Doctors say there is no stable link between provoked vulvodynia and infections with the above genital microorganisms.
Among the causes of provoked vestibulodynia the following can be mentioned:
- Inflammation
- Pregnancy
- Traumas to the area
- Abdominal and pelvic surgeries
- Musculoskeletal factors
- Vaginal delivery
- Physical or psychological rape
- Neuropathic pain
- Anxiety Disorders
- And…
To confirm the presence of this disorder in a person who goes to the office, it is necessary to use a cotton swab to check the painful and sensitive areas. Usually, doctors gently touch the areas that can be painful with this sterile swab. Swaps may also be used to touch the entrance to the vagina. If the examination shows pain and tenderness, the diagnosis will be confirmed.
So, you see that providing a history with details, such as a description of pain characteristics, as well as pain accompaniments, for example, problems with the gut, bladder or sexual problems, by the patient to the doctor is necessary for diagnosis. It is also said that it is better to check the blood test for the level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone for a woman with or suspected of having this disorder.
This disorder is very common among women and can affect any age. About six to eight percent of women in the community can be affected by this disorder. Also, a woman in twenty-five percent of cases can experience this disorder throughout her life. The prevalence of this disorder is higher in young women and the annual incidence of this disorder in the general population is about three percent.
Women with the disorder should receive long-term treatment to prevent inflammation and infection if they have fungal infections. One treatment is said to be boric acid capsules, which are taken inside the vagina for a week. Other treatments include surgery to remove areas around the vagina, which sometimes relieves pain and discomfort by removing these areas.
Women with localized provoked vestibulodynia will benefit from surgery more than other failed treatments. The results of surgery usually both reduce pain and improve mental health and satisfaction.
Studies show that women with primary provoked vulvodynia benefit less from surgery.
Other non-drug treatments include the following:
Regional nerve block, Also, another drug is a topical drug containing capsaicin, which can be used topically to reduce pain.