What is a dysplastic nevus?

What are the symptoms of dysplastic moles?

What are the special features of dysplastic moles?

Can dysplastic moles become malignant?

How is dysplastic mole diagnosed and treated?

How can dysplastic moles be prevented?

Are there any complications that occur following dysplastic nevus?

If you want to find the answers to the above questions, read on:


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Common moles are usually congenital or eventually appear on the skin of the body until early adulthood. These moles are often called epidermal and congenital moles.

Most of them remain uncomplicated for the rest of their lives, but dysplastic moles are different from normal moles, and these moles may reappear even after the age of 35.

Some doctors believe that these moles actually increase the risk of a dangerous skin cancer called melanoma. It is sometimes even used as a term called dysplastic syndromes.


What is Dysplastic nevus syndrome?

A condition in which a family has multiple moles or a history of melanoma, at least in two, first-degree members.



Common symptoms include:

  1. Irregular lesion edges: The edges of the lesion are irregular in dysplastic moles.
  2. Dysplastic moles are larger than normal congenital moles, meaning they can be 5 to 15 mm in size.
  3. Dysplastic mole is not uniform, ie dysplastic mole has both flat and prominent parts.
  4. The color of dysplastic moles is usually a pink background, the color of which varies from brown to dark brown in this pink background.
  5. The site of a dysplastic mole can be on any part of our body surface, but the most common area is behind the chest, breasts, and buttocks. These lesions may also appear on the skin in areas that are not exposed to sunlight, ie the areas that are covered.

Another point is that people with dysplastic moles may even have up to 100 moles on their body, while normal people have a maximum of twenty moles on their body.


Causes of Dysplastic nevus

Dysplastic nevus are said to be malignant, and in cases where dysplastic nevus are seen without a family history, sun damage may have altered the pattern of skin moles distribution.

In other words, the sun may play a role in the distribution of moles, but sunlight is not a prerequisite for the formation of moles. Also, as we said, moles also appear in areas that are almost covered from sunlight, such as the buttocks and breasts.


Risk factors

  1. Have a positive family history of melanoma and dysplastic nevus or other skin cancers.
  2. People of Northern European descent, meaning they have light hair and freckled skin.


How to prevent

It is said that if sunscreens are used with a sunscreen power of at least 15, it can help a lot in protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays. Of course, all types of sunscreens only protect against type ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. If you have a family history of melanoma and other skin cancers, you should not forget to wear both good sunscreen and Physical barriers.


What should we do when a person has Dysplastic nevus?

Regular physical examination by a physician to identify new lesions or Detection of changes in the lesions should be done. People at high risk for malignancy should be examined by their doctor every three months.

In addition to being examined by a doctor, patient should be aware of his or her moles to notice any changes in the lesions. One can even seek help from a family member to see the types that are inaccessible.



In order to make a correct diagnosis, a thorough physical examination of the skin and sampling of all suspected lesions is necessary.

Sometimes it is necessary to remove a suspected lesion that has changed or to remove all the lesions.

Color imaging of a person with multiple dysplastic nevus should be taken and recorded in the patient’s file so that the doctor can compare new lesions with previous images and understand new changes at subsequent appointments.



There is no specific medication for this disorder and there is no medication that you can take to prevent and cure your dysplastic nevus.

It can be said that the only substance that is used as a medicine for every exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet light is the standard sunscreen composition of at least 15 SPF.

The important point which we emphasize, is that if a person or one of his family members has multiple skin lesions or has close relatives who have had melanoma and other types of skin cancer and the person himself now has a suspected new skin lesion, it is necessary to see a doctor for checkups.

One of the side effects that we need to be aware of is that people with dysplastic nevus have a higher risk of developing the most deadly skin cancer, which is melanoma.