Knee pain is experienced by almost everyone in every age group. In this article, we will describe the causes of tingling pain in the knee when bending it.

If you have any questions about this type of knee pain, definitely you will find the answer in the rest of this article.

The degree of discomfort of this type of pain depends on your tolerance threshold. Sometimes enduring this type of knee pain is very painful.

The needle-like pain in the knee when kneeling ?? is called parasthesia


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‏Causes of paresthesia:

Paranesthesia is usually caused by compression of nerve fibers, which leads to tingling pain. This pain often occurs in parts of the body, such as the knee, that are exposed to constant movement and bending and straightening.

When you do not change the position of your knee joint for a long time, the nerves behind the knee can become compressed and cause tingling pain.

Sometimes these compressions are caused by sudden or prolonged movements of the knee joint, such as following a sudden or repetitive run and jump.

Squatting, sitting cross-legged are also factors that can cause pain similar to tingling when bending and straightening by applying pressure and compressing the nerve behind the knee.

Sitting on a chair for a long time with the back of your knee pressed against the front edge of the chair is another cause of this type of knee pain.

Other causes of knee tingling include:

Sometimes some people are born with a thin canal to pass the nerves behind their knees. In these people, the nerve trunk is larger than the size of the canal and they often experience nerve compression, resulting in sharp, tingling pain, especially when their knees are bent.


Injuries to the knee:

People with any kind of injury around the knee can feel sharp, tingling pain in the knee, and damage to the structures around the knee by causing swelling can compress the nerves in this area.

Other factors that can lead to tingling pain when bending the knee include:

Bursae are small sacs of fluid that are placed between the joints of the body to make them easier to move. Inflammation of the bursae around the knee, which occurs, for example, following a sudden onset of knee movement and overuse of the knee, is called bursitis.


Treatment of tingling knee pain

In general, to properly treat acute knee pain, the first and most important step is to identify the cause of the pain and eliminate it.

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