Sprained ankle occurs when ligaments around the ankle become too stretched.

In the following, the doctors of our specialized group will talk more about the sprained ankle.

By reading this article, you will know the ankle injuries following sprained ankle and you will know what is the cause of sprained ankle throbbing at night?

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What is a sprained ankle?

The ankle joint is twisted more than any other joint in our body.

Who gets the most sprained ankle?

  • Athletes
  • People who do indoor sports activities.
  • People with balance problems.
  • People who have weak and unstable ankles due to previous ankle injuries.
  • Wearing high heels

What are the symptoms of Sprained ankle?

When the bones on either side of your ankle move too much, the ligaments around the ankle become too stretched, causing inflammation in the area, which is the main cause of the symptoms.

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • the pain
  • Redness
  • Warmth

Following a sprained ankle, the ankle becomes unstable and you feel that you cannot walk safely.

Ligaments are actually flexible tissues that stretch in different directions as your ankle joint moves, and when the joint returns to its original position, the ligaments will return to their original length. The ligaments will not tolerate excessive bone displacement and will rupture.

Therefore, based on the severity of ligament injury, we will have three degrees of sprained ankle (comparison in terms of severity of ligament injury):

  • Slight stretching
  • partial rupture
  • Complete rupture

Note that in children, the mechanism of the sprained ankle is different and is generally due to lower injuries of the calf bones.

One of the clinical manifestations that you may experience after ankle sprains is throbbing pain, which is usually present in sprained ankles during the day and gets worse at night.

What is the cause of this?

Excessive stretching of the ligaments around the ankle can also damage the nerves in the area. Changes that occur in this injury may cause you to feel throbbing in your ankle, especially at night.

The cause of sprained ankle throbbing pain is actually entrapment, pinching of the ankle nerves.(?)

These nerve damage may have occurred in the heel or around your ankle during excessive traction.

It is important to know that the cause of many chronic heel pains can be nerve entrapments that occur continuously during ankle and heel injuries.

If you have an ankle sprain, it is best to place your ankle higher than your body, even when you are sleeping.

How long does it take for a sprained ankle to heal without surgery?

Duration of recovery of twisted ankle without surgical interventions:

  • If the injury is to the extent of ligament strain, it usually heals within one to three weeks.
  • Moderate injuries within a month.
  • Severe injuries take a month and a half and sometimes a little longer.
  • Sometimes the ankle becomes chronically twisted, meaning that there is still pain even six weeks after the injury.

Frequent twists will destabilize the ankle joint.

What can be done to prevent ankle sprains?

It is very important to prevent ankle sprains:

  • Walk on flat surfaces and exercise.
  • Be sure to warm up by doing stretching exercises before sports.
  • Wear standard shoes.
  • If you feel pain and discomfort in the legs and ankles during exercise, do not continue to exercise.

The most common ankle ligament that is stretched is the ligament that is located on the outside of your ankle. Excessive stretching of this ligament will cause swelling, bruising, and pain on the outside of your ankle. In this injury you may experience throbbing pain on the outside of the wrist, which usually worsens at night.

Stretching of the inner ligament of the ankle is less common, if this injury occurs, there will be bruising and swelling in the inner part of the ankle and at night you will experience throbbing pain in the inner part of your ankle.

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