If you have inflammation or infection of the sinuses of your face, you may smell bad adore or have an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Even when you have a sinus infection, you may not be able to understand the taste of food well. explain sinus infection in mouth.
If you feel the taste of infection in your mouth with your sinusitis, know that most of the time your problem will go away with the onset of a cold and improvement in inflammation and infection of the sinuses, sometimes Artificial saliva helps you to reduce bad taste in the mouth during a cold.
In addition to sinusitis caused by viral or bacterial infections, allergic sinusitis may be associated with taste changes (secondary to olfactory changes), but is generally not a cause for concern.
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Why do we feel bad taste in our mouth when we get inflammation and sinus infection?
Coughs with a lot of mucus, sputum and phlegm, which are usually present during colds and sinusitis, can be the reason why you feel the taste of infection in your mouth during sinusitis. Sinus infections that cause bad breath in most cases go away on their own without medical treatment.
When the cells of your sinus wall (which are hollow cavities between the bones of your face) become inflamed by viruses, bacteria, and allergens, we say you have sinusitis. Inflammation of the cells is always accompanied by swelling, followed by swelling of the sinuses:
- Nasal congestion
- Facial pain
- Headache
- Pain in the front of the head and forehead
- Concentrated, green and yellow discharge from the nose
- Bad breath
- Feeling of bad taste in the mouth
Of course, bad breath is not always present in sinus infections.
When the tissue in the walls of your sinuses becomes infected and inflamed, the sinus outlet, where the secretion is discharged, will become blocked, so the blocked secretions and sometimes the growth of bacteria in the sinuses can cause your mouth to smell and taste bad.
Nasal secretions and sinuses may also enter your throat and cause you to feel the taste of infection in your mouth in addition to the bad taste.
Another cause that may cause bad taste, especially the taste of metals in your mouth during a cold or sinus infection, is the use of some decongestants that are OTC and sometimes prescribed by a doctor to relieve nasal congestion and relief. Use your sinus obstruction
So perhaps one way to get rid of bad breath during a sinus infection is to reduce the use of these anticonvulsants.
Some of these drugs are:
phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) and even cough medicine
What is PND?
The most important reason that you feel the taste of infection in your mouth during a sinus infection is the presence of nasal discharge or post nasal discharge, which doctors call PND. Your sinuses produce and fall into the back of your nose and throat. During sinusitis, a lot of mucous and purulent secretions are produced from your nose and sinuses and spilled into the back of your nose and throat. With your cough, you may also swallow lower respiratory tract secretions, such as the lungs and bronchi. With the accumulation of these secretions, it is obvious that the taste you will feel in your mouth will be like a sinus infection.
What can we do to eliminate the taste of sinus infection in the mouth?
Antihistamines can reduce swelling and inflammation of the sinuses.
If your sinus infection is bacterial, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to help treat the purulent, foul-smelling discharge from your nose and sinuses.
Along with the prescribed medications, it is necessary to rinse the inside and end of the nose with saline. Gargling the saline to clear both your throat and nose of thick, foul-smelling discharge, which will treat both sinus infections and bad breath. Do not forget to eat a diet rich in fluids and drink plenty of water.
Sometimes dry mouth during colds will cause changes in the perception of taste. If you feel dry mouth, drink water or use artificial saliva.
Use a humidifier in your room, cold steam vapor can reduce the severity of swelling and inflammation
If you are taking antitussives or anticonvulsants such as pseudoephedrine and you have a bad taste in your mouth, it is best to reduce your intake.
You can use a warm towel on the face and sinuses to dilute the discharge and drain it more easily.
Do not forget to brush, you can also use suitable mouthwashes.
Sometimes your doctor may prescribe a nasal spray to reduce swelling and inflammation in your nasal wall.
Avoid taking anticonvulsants for a long time because long-term use of these medications will make your condition and congestion worse.
In general, it should be said that almost all cases of bad breath and bad taste that are caused by sinusitis are eliminated by improving the cold and eliminating the sinus infection.