Do you experience thigh twitching while you’re sitting and for no reason? How often does this thigh twitching occur?

Twitching is medically termed as Fasciculations or myoclonus and is defined as abnormal jerks or twitching due to abnormal firing of nerves. Twitching itself is not a disease but a clinical sign of some disease.

Twitching can be caused by a number of reasons some of which are life-threatening and others are less serious and may be caused by some life-style related issues. More about the issues related to thigh twitching will be discussed in the article below.

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Common causes of thigh twitching

The twitching or myoclonus can be divided as physiologic and pathologic on a broader view:

Physiologic myoclonus or twitch: These twitches occur in healthy people and do not require any intervention. These include: Leg/ thigh twitching, hiccupping, startle responses that are physiologic.

Pathologic myoclonus: Pathologic myoclonus refers to some underlying medical condition or treatment/ medication. These types of twitches include persistent twitches which can sometime impair the mobility of a person.

Common causes of thigh twitching:

  1. Benign fasciculations: Repetitive involuntary muscle contractions are medically termed as benign fasciculations and there are a number of causes for benign fasciculations or thigh twitching. This type of twitching is common and is not due to any serious underlying neural issue. Some causes of fasciculations in healthy people are mentioned below:


  1. Restless leg syndrome: Restless leg syndrome is a condition in which there is an urge to move the legs due to sensations in the leg. This syndrome causes leg twitching in most cases and doesn’t a person to fall asleep. Thus, a person finds it difficult to sleep and suffers from lethargy and sleepiness throughout the day. This syndrome is common and occurs in every 1 out of 10 at any age in their lives.

People have to take proper medications for both the condition/ syndrome and the sleep disturbance.

Less common causes

Usually the causes are common and are not due to an underlying issue but sometimes if the condition is persistent and frequent, this can indicate some serious underlying issue. Some of the underlying issues causing thigh twitching are discussed below:

There is early onset and late onset Alzheimer’s disease and the symptoms vary. Twitching is seen to be associated with the early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Treatment involves protecting the disease from progressing once the symptoms of the disease are seen and drugs for treating the symptoms are used.




  1. Epilepsy: Epilepsy is the condition in which there are unpredictable seizures and thus is a seizure disorder. Epilepsy is defined as two unprovoked seizures without a known medical condition. People with epilepsy are seen to be at more risk for developing myoclonus or twitching. Duration, its spread in the brain has seen to have profound effects.


Twitches are not usually painful and are irritating. Twitches are noticeable by the person and can sometimes lead to muscle cramps and becomes painful. The cause of twitching is versatile and thus are the associate symptoms accompanying it. These symptoms include:



History forms the basis of diagnosis and thus a careful history can lead us to the cause being benign or serious.

Physical examination can be of great help as well. History involves the time of onset, spread, duration etc. Drug history and environmental factors also ply a vital role in diagnosing if the cause is toxicity.

In some cases, imaging will be requested by a doctor depending on the underlying cause and includes: EMG (electromyography- this test assesses the nerves and muscles).

In case of seizures an epilepsy EEG (electro encephalogram) may be used to detect the electrical activity of the brain. Brain MRI might also be helpful in cases where lesion is suspected to be the cause of twitching. Blood tests can definitely give us a clue about the underlying condition, as a cause of twitching.



People with benign twitching, who experience twitching occasionally can manage the symptoms by making certain lifestyle modifications. These modifications include:

If the thigh twitching is suspected to be due o medication, the medication should not be quitted or regulated without the consultation of doctor.

If there is some underlying disease causing the condition, the condition has to be treated to control thigh twitching.



Prevention is always better than the cure. Prevention involves making prominent life style modifications to prevent the discomfort and irritability caused by thigh twitching. These include maintaining sleep hygiene, taking nutrient rich food, exercise regularly, plenty of rest and regulating medicine by taking them on time to avoid toxicities etc.


When to see a doctor

Most cases of thigh twitching as discussed are benign an are caused due to dietary issues like nutrition depleted diet, dehydration, some body stimulants like alcohol, caffeine etc.

However, if the twitching persists can indicate some underlying issues and we should look for some other symptoms as well as mentioned below. If the below mentioned symptoms are present, you need to see a health professional:


As of now it has become very clear that most of the cases  are benign and occur due to lack of rest, sleep or over-exertion,  dehydration, caffeine etc. and gets better with these specific modifications.

However, it has been seen that some cases can be an indication of underlying nervous disease and should be examined as early as possible. The underlying disease can be suspected if the symptoms persist for longer time and even after life style modification and when accompanying symptoms as mentioned are found. The condition is seen to be worsening can also be an indication of underlying disease and needs proper attention.