Your doctor may tell you that you have appendicitis. Usually, appendicitis is an accidental diagnosis that your doctor sees after seeing a CT scan of your abdomen and pelvis for another purpose, in which case you have signs of appendicitis or inflammation. You will not have an appendix infection
What causes an appendicitis?
Read on to answer this question
Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency worldwide, with 7% of the world’s general population needing surgery for appendicitis.
The appendix is the part of the beginning of the large intestine that is appendage and the lumen of the appendix is connected to the lumen of the large intestine. When the opening of the appendix is blocked, the contents of the appendix lumen get stuck. Inflammation of the appendix and sometimes infection occurs called appendicitis
what you will read next :
Cases of appendicitis
Causes of obstruction of the appendix lumen are:
- Increased lymph tissue of the appendix (lymphoid hyperplasia)
- Stricture
- Appendicolith
- fecalith
Serious complications of appendicitis
Appendicitis can be associated with serious complications such as the following:
- Appendix rupture:
Rupture leads to the spread of infection throughout the abdomen (peritonitis). This deadly condition requires immediate surgery to remove the appendix and clean the abdominal cavity.
- Creating a purulent mass in the abdomen:
There is a possibility of an infectious mass (abscess) if the appendix ruptures. In most cases, the surgeon drains the abscess through the abdominal wall by a tube. The tube will stay in place for about two weeks and antibiotics are prescribed to remove the infection.
After removing the infection, the person will have surgery to remove the appendix.
In some cases, the abscess drains and the appendix is removed immediately.
What is appendicitis?
Following obstruction of the appendix, growth and colonization of bacteria in the lumen occurs
Hardened stools and mineral deposits that remain inside the appendix lead to appendicitis or in other words appendical calculi Or appendicular lithiasis occurs.
Appendicitis is more common in children and younger adults. Men are more likely to develop appendicitis than women. As the nucleus of appendicitis in three percent of cases, fecalitis are the main cause. !!!
Diets high in meat and fat and low fiber will be highly associated with fecalitis and therefore appendicitis formation.
Do appendicitis have signs and symptoms?
Most cases of appendicitis are asymptomatic, so that doctors detect them completely randomly during CT scans that are requested for other reasons.
In these cases, most appendages will be completely normal and without pathological lesions.
In a valid study, seventy-four people with appendicitis were selected and followed up without surgery.
Seventy percent of that number, or fifty-two, had no complications
Twenty-two people were hospitalized with abdominal pain complaints and underwent appendectomy or appendectomy. Of these, only five had appendicitis or appendicitis
It seems that appendicitis may increase the risk of appendicitis, !!! but appendicitis alone will never have a surgical or appendectomy indication.
Interestingly, only one of the seventy-four above had acute abdominal symptoms, and he had giant appendicitis.
In other words, this person did not have a ruptured or inflamed gangrene of his appendix.
According to the article, the researchers found only two cases of extremely large appendicitis stone in humans.
What are the symptoms associated with appendicitis?
We said that most cases of appendicitis are asymptomatic.
Symptoms that may come with appendicitis
Intermittent abdominal pain
Pain that manifests itself exactly like kidney and urinary tract stones. Sometimes it will be very difficult to differentiate between urinary tract stones and appendicitis.
In both cases there will be blood in the urine and an increase in the number of white blood cells or leukocytosis.
In both cases there will be bloody urination and an increase in the number of white blood cells or leukocytosis, the manifestations of abdominal pain will be both intermittent
Inflammation of appendix can lead to appendicitis with very dangerous complications such as perforation
What causes appendicitis?
You may ask why appendicitis occurs? In other words, what are the causes of appendicitis?
The main and serious causes of appendicitis are still unknown, but it can be said that some cases can be considered as possible causes.
- Foreign body in the intestines
- Gallstones in the intestine
The bile contents that enter the small intestine from the gallbladder and reach the small intestine and then the large intestine with the movements of the gastrointestinal tract and are trapped inside the appendix appendage.
- Stools stuck in the lumen of the appendix or fecaliths
Fecaliths are composed of residues containing calcium salts that have accumulated on top of each other.
These fecaliths may lead to appendicitis in children, but in many cases people will have no symptoms even if they have fecaliths and appendicitis.
- Consumption of fruits and foods with seeds:
- Cocoa
- Meson
- Oat
- Grape
- Cumin
- Nut
- Orange
The above are considered as possible causes of appendicitis or appendicitis stones, but as we have said, the main causes of this complication have not been found yet. In general, if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, go to the emergency room immediately to avoid serious and fatal complications.