When we talk about blood cancers, we mean malignancies that occur in the bone marrow, blood and lymphatic system. In this article, different types of blood cancers are introduced, then we will express the survival rate of patients with any type of blood cancer. First of all, it is better to introduce the types of blood cancers
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Types of blood cancers
Blood cancers are divided into the following three main groups:
- The first group of leukemias:
Involves blood and bone marrow Leukemia can be acute or chronic.
They can affect a group of blood and bone marrow cells called the lymphocyte family (called the lymphoid group). The following two types of leukemia are malignant types of the lymphoid family:
- Acute lymphocytic leukemia or ALL
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia CLL
leukemia can also affect a group of blood and bone marrow cells called the myeloid group.
The following two types of leukemia are caused by malignancy of the myeloid group of cells:
- Acute myeloid leukemia AML
- Chronic myeloid leukemia CML
- The second group of lymphomas
Involve parts of the immune system and a group of defense white blood cells called lymphocytes.
Lymphomas are divided into the following two main categories:
- Hodgkin’s lymphomas
- Nodular sclerosis
- mixed Cellularity
- Lymphocytic-Rich
- Lymphocyte-depleted
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas
- Burkitt lymphoma
- Large diffuse B-cell lymphoma
- Anaplastic
- Mantle cell lymphoma
- Lymphoblastic lymphoma
- T cell lymphoma
- The third group of myeloma
This type of blood cancer develops in a type of white blood cell called plasma cells.
Types of myeloma
- Multiple myeloma (the most common) accounts for 50% of myeloma cases
- Solitary myeloma
- Myelomatosis
- Plasma cell leukemia
- And other cases with low prevalence
What is meant by survival rate?
It is a statistical measurement in medicine, which states the percentage of people with a particular type of disease or cancer, for example, have survived up to five years after being diagnosed with the disease.
For example, we say that the five-year Survival Rate of x-cancer is twenty-five percent, meaning that twenty-five percent of people with x-cancer survive five years after diagnosis.
Now we will answer the following question
What is the survival rate of blood cancer?
- What is the survival rate of ALL?
About ninety percent of all children with ALL recover with treatment. Five-year survival in remission children with ALL is eighty to eighty-five percent.
In seventy-five to ninety percent of adults with ALL with complete treatment, remission occurs, meaning that the cancer cells are no longer seen in their blood, but unfortunately fifty percent of these remissions recur.
- Survival with and without treatment:
Three-year survival in adults with ALL with treatment is twenty-five to fifty percent
Survival of adults with ALL without treatment will unfortunately only be a few months.
- Survival according to age:
Five-year survival in people with ALL according to age is:
People equal and older than twenty: thirty-seven percent
People under the age of twenty: Eighty-nine percent of
Seventy percent of people, regardless of age, survive five years of treatment
Survival depends on a variety of factors in addition to age
- Survival rate in CLL:
Survival in this leukemia depends on the stage of the person. In general, the five-year survival of patients with CLL who are over twenty years old is about eighty-five percent.
There is no cure for leukemia, but most people with CLL live for years. Many people can survive for years without treatment, but most people get treatment.
The ten-year survival of patients with treatment will be between fifty-five to sixty-five percent. One-third of patients with CLL survive 10 to 20 years after the time of diagnosis with treatment.
- How is Survival Rate in AML?
Survival in this type of leukemia depends on the exact type of leukemia. Without treatment, survival will be about days or months. Up to 70% of patients will enter the remission phase with treatment. Remission phase means that there will be no cancer cells in their bone marrow, people over the age of sixty will respond poorly to treatment.
The five-year survival of patients with AML with treatment, according to the age distribution, is as follows:
- Age twenty years and older:
- Twenty-five percent
- Age under twenty years:
- Sixty-seven percent
- What is the Survival Rate in CML?
Most of these people will survive five years after the diagnosis of leukemia with treatment. With imatinib, 90% of patients have a five-year survival. Without treatment, the leukemia will enter the excretory phase. The five-year survival rate with treatment in all age groups according to Age is:
- Seventy percent in men
- Seventy-five percent in women
- What is the survival rate of lymphomas?
Survival Wright Lymphoma Hodgkin:
Five-year survival : 87%
If cancer is detected in the early stages, the five-year survival will be ninety-two percent.
Hodgkin’s lymphoma localized: five-year survival of ninety-two percent
Regional: Ninety-four percent
Hodgkin’s lymphoma progresses to other tissues: seventy-eight percent
And the overall five-year survival of Hodgkin’s lymphoma since diagnosis is about eighty-seven percent. Without treatment, the average survival rate will be about 6.16 months. Three-year survival without treatment approx. 4.15 and a five-year survival without treatment is less than six percent
- What is the Survival Rate of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
Hodgkin’s stage and type of lymphoma are important for survival. With treatment, the five-year survival of all Hodgkin’s lymphomas is about seventy-two percent.
With treatment, the five-year survival on stage 1 of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is more than 82%.
Stage Two is about seventy-five percent
Stage three seventy percent
In recent years, with the advancement of treatment, about fifty to sixty percent of patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma remain without recurrence for up to five years.
The person may remain asymptomatic for years. After five to ten years, when non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma develops rapidly, the bone marrow becomes inadequate to produce blood cells, and the person becomes infected, anemic, and bleeds and eventually dies.
- What is Survival Rate like in Myeloma?
Survival in multiple myeloma is as follows:
Multiple myeloma is sometimes difficult to diagnose in the early stages and is usually diagnosed when the cancer has advanced.
The overall five-year survival rate for about 5 percent of people at each stage of multiple myeloma is about 71 percent.
Survival on the stage1 of a multiple myeloma with treatment: 4 months
Survival on stage2 :44 months
Sometimes a number of patients survive for ten to twenty years with treatment
The three-year survival in patients at all stages is about sixty percent
Five-year survival in 5% of patients with multiple myeloma diagnosed in the early stages with treatment: 74%
Five-year survival in cases where multiple myeloma has spread to other parts of the body is 51% with treatment.
According to the latest study conducted in May2020. The survival of patients with multiple myeloma is as follows:
- One-year survival is more than seventy-five percent
- Five-year survival is about fifty percent
- Ten-year survival is about thirty-five percent
- Today, with the development of diagnostic methods for multiple myeloma in the early stages and the progress and improvement of treatments, the survival rate has improved, which is evident in the latest study reported above.