If you have heart disease, and especially if you are taking heart medication, you should know that you, like other people, cannot use many common painkillers to relieve your pain, we will say that what pain reliever is safe for heart patients?


what you will read next :


Complications of pain killer in heart patients

If regular painkillers are used by people with heart disease and problems:


Dangerous drugs for heart patients

If you are looking for a pain reliever for heart disease, you should avoid the following medications:

These include a variety of medications that are commonly used to reduce pain and inflammation in a variety of muscle aches, headaches, and joint pains (arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout …); if you have a heart disease, you should not use these medications to reduce your pain

Common types of NSAIDs include:


Why should acids not be used to reduce pain by heart patients?

NSAIDs affect the function of the kidneys and cause fluid retention in your body (and increase the volume of fluid in your arteries). When the volume of fluid in your arteries increases, a lot of pressure is put on your heart. A sick heart will need more force to move this large volume inside the arteries, your heart is weak and sick, and it will not be able to do this extra work. Keep in mind that if you use aspirin to prevent heart attacks and prevent cerebrovascular problems, the dose is very different from the dose needed to relieve pain.

If you have high blood pressure or if you have heart disease, know that a number of medications suitable for treating migraines will increase your blood pressure and increase your heart rate by narrowing your arteries.

Therefore, you must consult your doctor to choose a medicine to reduce your headaches

Most syrups, pills, and capsules available in pharmacies to relieve colds or coughs contain two classes of drugs, both of which are very dangerous for heart disease.

Both NSAIDs and decongestant can worsen heart disease.

These drugs have the following side effects:

Increased metabolism occurs following these drugs and a lot of pressure and stress will be put on your heart and your blood pressure will rise and eventually your heart health will be threatened.

A variety of weight-loss drugs can cause heart valve problems, so if you have heart disease, avoid taking these drugs without your doctor’s advice.


What pain reliever is safe for heart patients?

We have said that common medications such as Advil and Naproxen increase blood pressure, exacerbate heart failure and increase the number of heart attacks and strokes.

In studies between drugs of NSAIDs, naproxen had the lowest IRR or incidence rate ratio for cardiovascular diseases. This does not mean that heart patients are allowed to take naproxen with any dose, never use these drugs without a doctor’s prescription, especially if it is a short time after your heart surgery.

Acetaminophen is the best pain reliever for heart disease

Acetaminophen or Tylenol is a good painkiller for people with heart failure, high blood pressure and kidney disease.

Keep in mind that if you are taking acetaminophen as a painkiller, you should follow these tips:

Some studies have shown that long-term use of acetaminophen increases the risk of a serious heart attack by more than 68%.

There are more than six hundred a pharmaceutical product in the world of which acetaminophen is a component.

Be sure if you have heart disease or high blood pressure: