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Above belly button pain

Majority of people must have experienced above belly button pain at least once in their lives. This may also be categorized as upper abdomen pain

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Pain above navel

How often do you experience pain above navel? What is the nature of pain above navel? When do you experience pain above navel? What do

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Weird feeling in buttocks

One might feel a weird feeling in buttocks sometimes it can feel like a tingle or numbness which lasts just a few minutes after sitting

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Knotting feeling in stomach

How often do you feel knotting feeling in stomach? How does this experience of knotting feeling in stomach feel like? Is it more than feeling

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Do you ever experience weird feeling in my shin? Some part of your body feeling weird is medically called Paresthesia. Paresthesia is a sensation of

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General English name: Carbimazole Brand: Neo-Mercazole Application: Hyperthyroidism   what you will read next : Pharmacological information of Carbimazole Contraindications to the use of Carbimazole

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Clotrimazole for vaginal thrush

Common English name: Clotrimazole for vaginal thrush Brand: Canesten Application: Vaginal thrush   what you will read next : Clotrimazole for vaginal thrush Contraindications Clotrimazole

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General English name: Carbocisteine Brand: Mucodyne Application: To help clean sputum in respiratory diseases associated with cough   what you will read next : Carbocysteine

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General English name: Rivastigmine Brand: Exelon, Kerstipon, Nimvastid Application: Dementia associated with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease   what you will read next : Rivastigmine drug

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